Programmer | Like calisthenics | dead inside

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023

    1. Please be more respectful to my opinion. I’ve got mine you’ve got yours. I didnt call your opinion stupid and neither I won’t. Don’t start a hostile conversation. I’m not here for that.

    2. Yes, allow them doesn’t mean allow them to say whatever they want to say. Hatespeech like “I hate you because you’re white/black/chinese/whatever ethnicity” or “you’re a white nazi fuck” or “you’re a black scum” is obviously non-constructive hate-speech that does not provide any value. It only makes everything around you worse and brings more chaos and protests and riots.

    Allow them to co-exist means allow-them to co-exist peacefully, by common rules that do not provide hate-speech to each other and provide our opinion in a respectful manner. Unlike you do for example. You literally shout to give your opinion with CAPS LOCK and just called my opinion stupid . Do you know how you sound to a reasonable person? Aggravated. Disrespectful and most of all uneducated. Because you do not know how to provide your opinion in a respectful manner. I’m not trying to insult you, it’s just that’s how uneducated people say their opinion. By shouting at each other. And the result? Is nothing. Just more frustrated people around you and you go home, play at your PS5 Shadow of the Colossus once again, and take your anger on the console and next day begins. But the anger still lives inside you and maybe to the other person you just spoke to as well. You achieved nothing constructive, you’re just goading.

    Anyway. Someone living among us doesn’t mean living with their rules or saying whatever they want against anybody. Obviously Nazi-sht (yes it autocorrects it lol) and non-constructive conversations help nobody. Just like your attempt at calling my opinion stupid.

  • Dude, they’re gonna exist anyway. Banning them does not change them. It just … mutes them from you. They’re going to go to their next lemmy/reddit/twitter/neighborhood/bar/whatever and say the same things.

    Radicalizing them and getting away from them, or if you’re a very great diplomatic person and persuasive and charismatic to change their minds, is the best you can do. But banning them, just makes them make their own echo-circle ANYWAYS. You’re not changing anything. You’re literally making things worse by banning them. You just make your place seem “safer”, but these people are gonna co-exist in a another circle anyways. You’re not banishing them from existence.