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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 17th, 2023


  • May 2023 - “Target removes some Pride Month products after threats against employees” https://www.npr.org/2023/05/24/1177963864/target-pride-month-lgbtq-products-threats

    Terrorism is an appropriate word here. Threats of violence to achieve political goals. They threatened employees with violence because the store chose to offer those items. I’m not really sure how much more clear cut it can get. Terrorism isn’t just killing people.

    terrorism /tĕr′ə-rĭz″əm/ noun

    • The use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals.
    • The act of terrorizing, or state of being terrorized; a mode of government by terror or intimidation.
    • The practice of coercing governments to accede to political demands by committing violence on civilian targets; any similar use of violence to achieve goals.
    • The deliberate commission of an act of violence to create an emotional response through the suffering of the victims in the furtherance of a political or social agenda.
    • Violence against civilians to achieve military or political objectives.
    • A psychological strategy of war for gaining political or religious ends by deliberately creating a climate of fear among the population of a state.
    • The calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear.

  • Ah the proud conservative. Tell me friend, how does it feel to be a champion of legalized pedophilia, aka child marraige? Does knowing you are directly responsible for children being raped, legally, because “its a religious tradition” get the engine going? How about the fact that it’s predominantly 60+ year old men “marrying” (to have sex with) young girls and in some cases with no lower age limit? Them proud republican traditions… from the people who have “think of the children” on speed dial. But they never wanted you to think of these children.

    I’d be willing to bet you didn’t have a clue. Why? Cause your dumb ass is too busy “owning the libs” to bother looking at your party or institutions actions at any level of the government that you arent spoon fed by fox or other republican propaganda mills. Laughable, that’s how I see every conservative flinging of the term paedophile. It’s funny because your institutions are rife with it, yet you are unphased by the hypocrisy. The catholic church and its priests raping boys is a trope at this point. The Mormon church protects its rapists by changing legislation so they can functionally ignore their confessions instead of reporting to the police. Every other republican politician has a history of sexual deviance, many including children… with the base gasping “imperfect vessel” to hand wave away their disgraceful behavior while accusing their political enemies of the same without a shred of evidence. Straight up moral bankruptcy. Knuckledragging bigots don’t need no evidence to parrot their party’s political message.

    Just like they didn’t need evidence to support an insurrection and try to overthrow our duly elected government. Lie to a republican enough, and they will believe anything. Questions like “out of 60 court cases why didn’t Trump present any tangible evidence the election was stolen” are just unimportant details when the party asked you to “fight like hell” to maintain their power. Gullible, traitorous lemmings, the lot of them. Watching the Republican party coalesce around these traitors and try to white wash their acts as “desperate patriotism” is just pathetic and disgraceful. Every person that attacked the capitol on January 6th deserve to hang; being a gullible moron doesn’t excuse one from the consequences of their actions. You support wannabe dictators at your own peril.

    Overall, I can only guess how much spit you unknowingly consume in a year. Not nearly as much as you deserve, I imagine. You could try to be a better person, but then that would get in the way of “owning” the libs. The reality is you are so “owned” by your party day in and out, so much so you don’t even know they own you.

  • Sure champ. The dnc wasn’t leaning on the scales hillary was just such a good candidate that she lost to Trump. It’s imperative you maintain that ideal otherwise you might come to the realization that you’re part of the problem.

    Trump would have likely handed Bernie his ass without breaking a sweat

    He had a much better chance than “it’s her turn” Hillary and her baggage. The problem is he actually has a history of helping people and speaks truth to power, contrary to the interests of the DNC and Corporate democrats like ole Hill. He doesn’t bring in that sweet lobbying money from the ultra wealthy, just small donations actually indactive of voter support. It’s why Debbie Wasserman-Shultz was giving Bernie debate questions ahead of time, to help him out… oh right that was Hillary that needed the help… because the dnc chose the candidate they wanted and needed to solidify it by any means.

    Either way the reality is the DNC has shown it is incapable of being impartial, and that the whole thing is kabuki nonsense to make you think you have a choice in “choosing” the peice of shit they want you to pick. The DNC is controlled opposition for the wealthy to be able to maintain control on both sides. Not like any sane person is going to vote republican… so they limit options to only the shit sandwich while expecting you to thank them for forcing you to eat it then they bitch when nobody is excited about the shit sandwich.

    Then here you are “well of course MY shit sandwich was the only choice and if THEY couldn’t have won, clearly no other sandwich could have come close so stop asking to try another fucking sandwich.” The dishonesty here is just fucking pathetic, but to admit otherwise would be to invite criticism for handing Trump his '16 victory, more so than is already done.

  • I don’t expect that you have all the beliefs that right wing media paints democrats as.

    Is it because they are well documented liars?

    When Fox News successfully argued in court that no reasonable person would believe the content presented in Tucker Carlson’s production was factual or true, and was instead just entertainment, did that give you pause? Are you a reasonable person? If you’ve believed any of their programming Fox doesn’t think you are.

    Or can I assume you don’t know about it because Right Wing media doesn’t cover any deficiencies of the conservative machine unless they’ve gotten out of line, and are instead just fascist cheerleaders willing to say anything for power? Ends justify the means afterall…

  • Are you a Republican?

    Tell me friend, do you support:

    Child marraige predominantly expressed through older men marrying young girls with whom they can legally rape? (I don’t believe a child can consent, do you?)

    Child labor, “the children are our future” but also we should steal their prime growth years so meat packing plants can find more meat for the grinders and not have to pay living wages.

    Dissolution of the department of education to kill public education in America

    Starving school children of low income families, many of which only get their highest quality meal at school

    Unchecked capitalism resulting in an ever widening gap between the ultra rich and the rest of us, such that many are being priced out of any semblance of the lie that is the “American Dream” exploding the number of homeless?

    Do you look down on the unhoused as just lazy entitled people who would surely squander any support on drugs, rather than your fellow Americans who are suffering hard times, mental illness, or both?

    What about just flat out lawlessness, where one party is disinterested in enforcing laws against their party members and make threats of violence and civil war against any attempts by others to fairly apply the law? And instead they indicate an eagerness to lock up their political enemies despite being unable to bring any evidence of crimes?

    Genuinely curious because you seem to be able to understand the current reality, but you cling to an ideal that i would guess has left you behind long ago.

  • deadtom@lemmy.worldtoTrees@lemmy.worldWeed only works once a day for me?
    1 year ago

    It isn’t physically addictive, but it can be mentally so. Your body isn’t going to start eating itself if you don’t get it, but you will probably feel anxious and maybe feel cravings if you break the habit though.

    On a trip to Singapore and surprisingly not having as much issue as I thought based on my normal consumption. Gonna be fun to see how it goes when I get back.