• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I am Anti-theist, If anyone brings up religion around me I will not hesitate to tear it down. These people are playing make belief and if affects my life, I have to live in a world where people make decisions based on some imaginary sky friend.

    I will not play nice for the sake of someone feeling good about their bullshit.

  • Jimmy! Just for you Jimmy! Just for you were taking on a second mortgage! You deserve the Walt Disnay experience Jimmy! Were not good parents unless you see Mickey In person Jimmy.

    Are you hearing us Jimmy it’s important you know the Disnay experience!!

    What’s that you just want to play Minecraft Jimmy? You failed abortion of a kid! You are going to see Disney world if I have to sell my fucking Kidneys, I swear to god!

    Jimmy it’s gunna be rice and beans for a bit, You’ll understand when you’re our age.