• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • I’d just like to say this is categorically false advertising if there isn’t an actual hat inside. If they included extra foil for the hat the amount listed on the box would be incorrect. If they didn’t include extra foil, or the label said the correct amount of foil, then there’s no free hat. Those are completely mutually exclusive cases, so if there’s no hat, easy false advertising lawsuit. You deserve the free hat they said you were getting.

  • Wow I’ve never thought of it that way. That makes so much sense. This kind of implies all subscription based services will inevitably devolve into paying more for less in a race to the bottom until the whole thing collapses. Which is interesting because I remember hearing about an economics paper that showed that the most profitable business model is bundled subscriptions. It’s kind of amazing someone can say that with a straight face looking at what has happened to cable TV.

  • Maybe you’re missing the context. The last time a group of states tried to leave we had a war about it. The confederates lost, are generally considered to have been in the wrong, and basically cemented the precedent that if any state tries it again they’ll get the same result. Everyone pretty much assumes that if Texas really did try to leave it would result in armed conflict, with the scale likely determining if we call it a civil war or not. This is more making fun of the laughable claim that Texas could win in such a scenario, since the US military is better funded than the next 4 or 5 best funded militaries combines. It is generally assumed that the federal government wouldn’t fight for Texas for the aforementioned historical reasons. Also there’s not 72 million people in Texas, there’s around 30 million, and many of those 72 million gun owners wouldn’t fight for Texas. I’d hazard to say most.