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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Have you considered putting letters written on paper in the post?

    Seems unwise to give your child’s early life story to any of these companies, especially when mapped to a network of her relatives and likely including photographs which people may not be as diligent to keep private as you.

    Your daughter cannot consent to this, and it is your duty as parents to protect her privacy until she is old enough to decide for herself what to share and where.

  • We dumbly agree, out of convenience or some notion that if we wanted to read the paper edition we’d have to pay for it, but one can shell out cash for the paper, pick it up in a waiting room, read a friend’s copy, etc.

    As soon as we attach a subscription to an online edition, all that happens is they get more data on us (as we are les inclined to delete their tracking cookies) whilst handing over solid confirmation that we are who they suspected we probably are.

    If you must subscribe, use a dedicated browser & multiple measures to confound tracking.

  • In the absence of irrelevant descriptors, many people struggle to remember that fascists can seem quite normal in other respects. Giving a few details helps them to imagine the woman. In turn this can quell fallacies that attach to ideas about “respectable” or “nice”.

    That doesn’t matter with regard to this woman as her behaviour is now a matter for the courts, but reminds Times readers that the terror threat doesn’t come solely from disaffected louts hopped up on larger & sun exposure (& who may be quite partial to kicking off violently anyhow).

    I’d think that in the absence of much to go on about her, they lifted stuff from her Twitter bio.

  • UK Labour’s position on Gaza is no different to that of the Tories (or to the DNC in the US). In Scotland, the SNP is strongly pro-Gaza, but were wiped out. That’s likely to have been in matters besides Palestine, but voters had the option to prioritise it and roundly rejected it. In NI & Wales, pro-Gazan candidates did less considerably less well than predicted 18 months ago. A few pro-Gazan candidates ran for the Workers’ Party - a handful of them won seats, but others, including their party head lost theirs. Meantime far-right Reform loathe Israel & loathe Palestine more, but made massive gains.

    In France, pro-Gazan FI is a major component of NFP, the alliance which got the biggest vote share, but they only scraped that by working strategically with the rest of the left & with the neolibs to see off the far-right, and even this alliance did not win a majority. Within this there’s little to no agreement on Palestine, and FI’s position drew in some voters and alienated others.

  • Very cool & giving me some inspiration for… stuff.

    Momentarily thought they were mailing out hard copies, as they seek a mailing address to check out a book. I get this is likely to comply with copyright obligations, or just because the charity lacks the resources to supply the entire world, but it is a vulnerability should the library be attacked. Suggest users furnish addresses they do not live at - ideally non-residential addresses - addresses of campaign offices of local homophobic & transphobic representatives would work, but so would govt departmental buildings or commercial premises which are used by a lot of people (best to not put some randomer at risk).

  • Am tired, but bit confused at sequence of events.

    Did Russia ban Mozilla from offering specific extensions, whereupon Mozilla removed for Russian users the banned extensions?


    Did Russia ban Mozilla from offering some undefined type of extension, whereupon Mozilla removed for Russian users any which seemed to fall under the ban under an abundance of caution until they could assess each & reinstate those which did not fit the ban?

    Or, more worryingly, but maybe implied by the supposed temporary intent of the ban…

    Did Russia ban Mozilla from offering specific extensions, whereupon Mozilla temporarily removed for Russian users the extensions in order to give Russia the ability to track or otherwise meddle with Russian users of those extensions… or to enable Russia to interfere with the extensions’ code for their own ends?

    I feel I can make a reasonable guess, but there’s a fairly big safety issue here depending on what happened.

    Anyone dissenting within an authoritarian regime knows to exercise extreme caution, but always good to put out reminders to have multiple layers of protection, so if one fails you are still ok.