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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: May 10th, 2024

  • Your wording is inarticulate and bad. You should feel bad about it.

    HOWEVER, you are right that it’s a silly argument, the people who hate pronouns don’t hate the effort they have to make to call someone by a prefered combinations of sounds to more accurately represent their identity, those people hate using “preferred pronouns” because they hate people who don’t conform to some imagined sense of societal authority and isolated standards of “normalcy” and would completely overhaul their own language if it meant preserving their own status-quo perceptions of a stable and immutable society.

    Combine that with the very basic, childlike emotional tantrum that is a segment of society that sees a marginalized group getting special treatment and literally feeling jealous that they’re not also getting special treatment for “doing nothing” and you have our current situation where the wealthy, donor-class has taken over American society and robbed our treasuries and coffers to make themselves richer and more powerful and successfully distracted our stupidest and most petty segment of society into thinking the problem is other struggling people.

  • I consider myself very average, and all my average interactions with AI have been abysmal failures that are hilariously wrong. I invested time and money into trying various models to help me with data analysis work, and they can’t even do basic math or summaries of a PDF and the data contained within.

    I was impressed with how good the things are at interpreting human fiction, jokes, writing and feelings. Which is really weird, in the context of our perceptions of what AI will be like, it’s the exact opposite. The first AI’s aren’t emotionless robots, they’re whiny, inaccurate, delusional and unpredictable bitches. That alone is worth the price of admission for the humor and silliness of it all, but certainly not worth upending society over, it’s still just a huge novelty.

  • but since the pole still won’t fit it either punches holes in the barn or shatters.

    Latest research is suggesting that the observer from the pole’s perspective sees the far door open before the near door, basically reversing the order of events. (Assuming the barn doors close briefly around to contain the pole, and then open again to let it through. The Barn sees the entire pole momentarily inside the barn with both doors closed, the pole sees itself enter the short barn, the far door closes briefly and then opens letting the front of the pole through, then the back door closes and opens as it passes through. IE: order of events can be recorded differently for each observer without breaking causality.)

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoAsklemmy@lemmy.mlWhy would'nt this work?
    3 days ago

    You also cannot choose the spins of entangled particles, they collapse randomly in either direction when interacted with, meaning you cannot send messages. If you can figure out how to directly influence the spin of generated subatomic particles then BAM you have FTL communication.

    But you would be amazed how many obstacles the universe throws in front of you when you try to break the speed of causality. Faster than light communication isn’t possible because it makes no sense when you understand it. It’s like “getting answers faster than questions.” It’s nonsense.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldOne Shop
    3 days ago

    The exact plan is to make everyone too tired to understand they’re being played against each other.

    The average American lives nearly identical lives and has nearly identical axioms, wants and feelings as the average Mexican, the average South American, the average Canadian, etc. The only real differences are superficial and aesthetic, and if we all woke up with amnesia tomorrow, and the borders were erased from maps, we would probably all just intermix and form a whole new world as we discover each other’s foods, customs, ideas and desires without being afraid of “losing our cultures” or any of the manufactured fears the powers have instilled in us about the “other.”

  • The average person increasingly just has no actual linguistic/mental ability to convey a precise thought.

    One of my most frightening and profound realizations as an adult, was that our language is our most powerful tool and nobody seems to know or care. It’s how we can abstract the universe, rearrange ideas and concepts and come up with new ways to approach problems and explain feelings.

    Because if you’re not consciously explaining your feelings, you’re unconsciously doing it, and make no mistake, your brain is ONLY a tool for telling a story to explain your feelings. It’s not some vast computer or calculator, it’s a hyper-charged neural network designed to write stories to tie up loose ends and provide cause and effect for the world around you. It doesn’t seek logic or reason, it just wants continuity.

    The sooner you realize this in life, the sooner you can start getting a handle on things like your own mental health, identifying rumination and where it comes from, figuring out what choices give you the best outcomes and how to overcome momentary discomfort for great rewards later. Things that our disconnected world is increasingly having a harder and harder time doing.

    Because we’re abandoning language. And no, listening to social media and reading posts doesn’t boost your language, it doesn’t train your brain how to take YOUR experiences and feelings and abstractify them into ideas you can move around and view from different perspectives… something we should be able to do with ease if we have a large enough toolset to make accurate pictures of our lives. Social media and reading posts doesn’t boost you abilities to accurately abstractify the world and your life, it just gives you other people’s stories. Which are usually equally inaccurate or limited in scope.

    If we don’t have language tools to help your brain write a more accurate story, you will believe terrible things about yourself, about others, about the entire world, and you will live in that state always.

  • Our species is more alone than we’ve ever been even though our numbers are greater than they’ve ever been and our means for reaching each other is nearly limitless.

    Because everyone is so, so deeply scared of social rejection, an instinct bred into us through ice ages and apocalypses where we needed each other to survive, that the fear of rejections has become one of our primary social motivators. People now have a choice of trying to find social circles and groups that they can adapt to or compromise with like we’ve struggled through for thousands of years, or withdraw into spaces that prevent us from ever having to experience even a chance of rejection. Feel awkward when a stranger says hello? You can choose to practice getting better at responding to others, experience failures as well as successes, or you can retreat to a place where “hello” means oppression and you don’t ever need to ever risk pain by responding.

    This is just a tiny, micro-slice of the issue but EVERYONE does this, and if you think you don’t, you are also stuck in the film-strip post-hoc rationalizing your every feeling.

  • My dysfunctional, delusional and conspiracy-soaked parents told me all the time as I grew up, isolated and disallowed from having school or friends, that I needed to beware the world, that I must never trust others, that people were liars and crazy and that one day I would understand.

    Now I do understand. After long-since having buried them all, I now know the truth they said would be so blessed and would “save” me. I now know the book they lived by was a book of ancient fairy tales with some good moral lessons and a lot of death and brutality. I know that they reason I was kept isolated was because they were mentally ill and in denial, I know that I was raised in a cult, not kept safe out in the wilderness. There will be no “second coming” there will be no “paradise” or apocalypse, I am not chosen or special other than the fact that I control my own life and destiny. And I know that THEY were the lying, crazy world that I must not trust. And there are so, so many like them still out there, to various degrees.

    Honestly, taken in a vacuum it’s almost a biblical story in itself. That the hardest lesson is the one you have to learn on your own as you abandon literally everything you thought you knew and hoped for. That the real world is dark, and vast and cold and we live profoundly lonely lives, brief flashes of life that are gone in an instant as we cling to a mote of dust caught around a spark in the dark, and maybe we can choose to make our world better or we can choose to make our lives better or we can make the lives of others better and that’s it. We don’t get better options and they’re not mutually exclusive. If you’re not doing those things, you’re wasting time.








  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.worldRandomly found this on Reddit
    7 days ago

    I limited my internet time to just an hour or two a day and stopped caring about any of this worthless performative BS.

    If there are causes you care about or actions you want to take to impact the world and make a difference, GOING THE FUCK OUTSIDE does so, so much more than this kind of roleplay teenage bullshit. Moving your worthless scrolling time from one website to another isn’t going to bring the establishment to its knees. But going out and donating a box of socks and underwear to a community food bank will literally change someone’s life.

    edit: if these kinds of messages make you angry or feel called out, that’s a sure, 100% accurate predictor that you’re exactly who this message is directed at. For that matter, if you’re reading the feelings and opinions of others (what social media is) then you’re not living your own life and finding your own emotional states and this is why we’re here. We’re discarding our lives to live in both the rage and satisfaction of others. When was the last time you sought out other HUMANS to feel these things? How much have you worked to exercise whatever shriveled spark of free-will is left in there? Are you just surfing from stimulation to stimulation as your brain invents rationalizations for your lack of actual life and progress? GO OUT AND DO LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE, YOU SHOULDN’T BE SITTING IN FRONT OF YOUR MONITOR ANGRY YOU DENSE, TRAPPED MOTHERFUCKER.

  • ameancow@lemmy.worldtoReddit@lemmy.worldRandomly found this on Reddit
    8 days ago

    Yeah, this is a terminally online manifesto that I couldn’t even get through. It’s roleplay and storytelling, which is what our species is great at, but it doesn’t connect with reality beyond that.

    Look guys, if you want to engage in some kind of organized social action that will actually make a difference, turn off social media entirely. You moving from reddit to lemmy feels good in a micro-narrative, but nobody cares, it won’t change anything for anyone. It’s not bad, but it’s not some heroic action either.

    You can do so, so much more for the causes you care about by GOING THE FUCK OUTSIDE.

  • Also, it’s pretty wild that absolutely zero effort has been made “correcting” all the actual card-carrying nazis who celebrate every major action that Musk makes, from restoring their accounts on social media to boosting their memes and messages for years now. There’s clips out there of people with swastika tattoos sieg-heiling recordings of Musk’s “awkward gesture” and they look exactly the same.

    Tell us again how we shouldn’t trust our own eyes. I think there was a book somewhere that talked about this. I’d recommend looking into it.

  • this and other organizations concluded that he didn’t perform a nazi salute

    If someone takes a shit in your mouth and tells you it was a birthday cake, will you trust them just because they’re an “organization?” Jesus christ and you people call others “cucks” it drives me batty but you long since abandoned value to intellectual consistency when you started hoisting madmen and wealthy landlords as somehow better than other people.

    It’s amazing for a group that says all day long that they’re “free thinkers” there sure are a lot of people with mouths full of shit smiling because they’ve been told it’s birthday cake and they’re such special, good boys.