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Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2019


  • Comerade Stalin needs to lay off the western propaganda:

    Guest How do you view the nuclear bombing of Japan by the U.S.?

    ComradeStalin While tragic, the United States used nuclear weapons to subdue the Japanese Empire, effectively ending the Second World War. However, the proliferation of nuclear weapons remains a major concern, and the current war in Ukraine has demonstrated their dire consequences on the global community.

    Guest The use of nuclear bombings did not end the second world war. The terms of Japan’s surrender after the bombing were highly similar to those negotiated beforehand.

    ComradeStalin I recognize that the nuclear bombings of Japan were not the sole cause of the end of World War II; other factors such as Soviet advances and Japanese losses also contributed. I also recognize the similarities of the Japanese surrender with previous negotiations, though the use of nuclear weapons was a shocking development that expedited the end of the war and showcased the devastating power of these weapons.