And willingly. I might be unfairly judging because I’m a non-American that has been watching this unfold from the outside. But this has been no master plan. There’s been no deception or trickery. These people have repeatedly and loudly told us all what they’re about. But Donald Trump could say “Hannibal Lector is a fine man” after half an hour of shuffling around onstage to golden oldies and his supporters were like “my hero! 😍”
Long before they were trying to ‘protect the kids’ from trans people, they were trying to ‘protect the kids’ from metal and punk and rap and calling everything satanic. But all along, we all knew that they were raging hypocrites that campaign for things like child marriage while claiming to actually give a shit about children.
The way I see it, not a single person over say 25 has the excuse of not knowing or not remembering. They don’t get to use the “we were tricked” line later on. In fact, no one with the ability to read does. Southern Republican states have a global reputation for being full of kiddie fiddling preachers and politicians, for being run like 3rd world countries and for being incestuous motherfuckers. This is known. And this is why I’m going to press X to doubt wherever anyone tries to tell me that they thought the price of eggs would improve.
In one of the articles doing the rounds for this ‘ceasefire’ last night, the title was all about this “ceasefire agreement being reached”, then in the post under the article the person wrote “the office of Netanyahu has not yet finalized things on their end”. So clearly people have different definitions of “an agreement being reached”, like Windows Update and the concept of “100% complete”.