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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 22nd, 2024


  • Sure, I’ll bite.

    What part of doing that is mutually exclusive with voting for Harris against project 2025? I’m not going to pretend electoral politics should be the be-all end-all of political participation. Yes, you should organize locally and look for opportunities to support socialist policies and leaders, but given that none of those are on the ballot, you should still use what little power electoral politics give you to try and push the system away from right-wing lunatics who have been very explicit about their plans to make everything socialists complain about significantly worse and to corrupt the democratic systems to try and make it even harder for socialists to take power in the future.

  • This is broadly true, though there can be some wiggle room in the exact definitely of “immediate life-saving care” depending on where you end up. In particular, a condition like appendicitis that will inevitably lead to a crisis may be turned away until it actually becomes one, even if that makes things riskier and costlier for everyone involved.

  • I mean, it’s inherently hard to quantify the impact of this kind of thing, but in terms of Putin’s goals for it I think “substantial” is pretty reasonable. It’s not effective in that Russia can’t trigger a color revolution in America any more than America can trigger a color revolution in Ukraine, Serbia, Georgia, or any of the Arab Spring nations. But just because they aren’t the source of the divisions in American society that form these fault lines doesnt mean they aren’t actively trying to widen them. Especially when we’re talking about the America First crowd and the Conspiracy Left I think it’s entirely fair to point out loudly and often how the narrative they’re advancing is backed by adversarial powers that actively want to weaken America specifically and democracy in general.

    Or to refer back to the original meme, Jimmy Dore may think he’s a lefty, but all his political actions and rhetoric work to the benefit of fascists rather than working people.

  • If the only options are supporting genocide or being a Russian asset

    So about those Ukrainians. Or is genocide, like imperialism, only bad when America does it?

    I dunno man. It’s definitely getting repetitive, but when we know that there is a substantial Russian disinfo machine out there and support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine is such a consistent theme in these people AND Putin is one of the major beneficiaries of the general turn towards right-wing authoritarianism (because when our politicians say and do the same things it legitimizes those antidemocratic elements of his own regime), it’s not an unfair connection to keep drawing.

    The most compelling argument to not call them Russian troll farmers would be for them to simply stop saying all the things a Russian troll farmer would say.

  • Gee, I wonder if there were any major shake-ups in the Ukrainian government circa 2014 that could have explained this change in tune.

    Ukraine wasn’t able to join NATO because of active territorial disputes regarding Russia’s 2014 illegal annexation of Crimea. The 2022 invasion and intervening Russian-backed fighting in Donestk and Luhansk were naked imperial land grabs trying to force Ukraine back into the Russian sphere of influence despite their democratic processes repeatedly trying to move towards the EU.

    Or in simpler terms, imperialism is actually still bad when Russia does it and it’s weird that you don’t seem to understand that.

  • Hah! You think they actually put in place the infrastructure needed to support this asinine policy. If there aren’t enough people to get the affidavits signed then those kids can’t go expose themselves to dangerous ideas, presumably including “trans people exist” and “slavery was bad, actually”.

    See also voter ID laws that just happen to come into effect as the DMV offices in poor and/or black neighborhoods close down. If they make it a sufficient pain in the ass they don’t have to take the legal or political flak for outright banning it.