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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 7th, 2023

  • Voroxpete@sh.itjust.workstoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldPlease Help Reverse This
    27 minutes ago

    Pleeeeaase don’t think about the fact that this movie is kind of basically supporting pushing eugenics… It’s totally a political commentary about how bad Republicans are, and definitely not actually propagating hardcore Randian Libertarian ideals in its insistence that certain types of people are just inherently, genetically, more suited to rule over others.

  • Being a terminal purist is wonderful for those of us who live our lives deep in the caverns of Linux, but in actual production use you very often find situations where less technical users have to interact with the systems that we build.

    For my work, I need a way for low level tech support and technicians to go in and restart a container from time to time, and these people curl up in a ball and scream if you show them a command prompt. Having a UI removes a lot of friction.

  • There’s this thing where normally surprising court rulings result in a lot of breathless over reaction from the public, while serious legal commentators are going “Guys, no, it doesn’t actually work that way, it’s not nearly as bad as you think.”

    The Trump immunity ruling is the only time I’ve ever seen those serious legal commentators saying “Holy shit this is so much worse than you think.” People are seriously underestimating just how bad this really is.

  • You can acknowledge failures. You should acknowledge failures, loudly and often. The Democrats are not your friends, and no one is asking you to cuddle them in your sleep. Yes, change often happens in spite of the government, but even when it does, that still relies on the fact that the government was easy to spite. You think it’ll be just as easy to make pro-worker changes under a Republican government that’s willing to destroy every norm and break every rule to get their way?

    The fact is that it took people in power being willing to play fair in for those changes to happen “in spite of the government”, and it’s still true that a lot of those positive things happened directly because of the government.

    The world isn’t going to fix itself over night. But if you start selling nihilism all you’re going to do is play into the hands of the people who want to make it worse. And yes, it would be far, far better if there were actual leftists in power, instead of a party of centrists and neo-liberals. But you can’t wave a magic wand. Biden is the Democrat nominee, the Dems are the only option capable of beating the Republicans, and while they are moving much, much too slowly, if given time they will continue to make things better. And with ever increasing pressure (say, from all those newly formed unions) that rate of change will continue to increase. The Overton window can be moved left as well as right. Years ago a Democrat president wouldn’t have dared propose a policy like Student Loan Forgiveness. Biden straight up did it, and it was only through desperate tactics and their control of the courts (oh, hey, another good reason to make sure the Dems stay in power) that the Republicans were able to stop him.

    Things in this upcoming election would be a lot less scary (and yes, it scares us too, because what happens in your country affects the whole world) if a lot more people knew about the real good the Democrats have done instead of endlessly parroting this idea that all they’ve done is make things worse.

  • OK, I’m not a mental health professional, so take this with a grain of salt, but…

    Be there. That’s really the most important thing you can do. Just be there. Be a friend. Get them to come over and watch some anime, invite them along to board game night. Just be a friend. Companionship doesn’t cure bad mental health, but loneliness often makes it much worse.

    Be encouraging. The problem with “cheer up” is not only that it’s trite, but also that it assumes they’re doing something wrong. Don’t give advice, give compliments.

    If someone trusts you, be willing to push back a little when they’re engaging in maladaptive thought patterns. Gently, of course, but be willing to call them out, to say “Hey, you’re doing that thing where you assume the worst outcome is the most likely” or whatever. But be careful with this; you’re not their therapist.

    Help with the little things. Are they hydrated? Did they forget to eat? Have they not slept? Did they take their meds? You can’t solve mental health with good food and exercise, but conversely being tired or hungry or thirsty can amplify symptoms a lot. Encourage them to be your gym buddy or go running together, or play some paintball. If you’re going out for groceries, ask if they want to come with; maybe you’ve got a car and they don’t, and it would really help just to have someone drive them to the store and back while you’re on the way.

    Be careful about gift giving. Buying someone lunch is just what friends do, but don’t take it too far. Often it’s better to let them do something nice for you. If someone feels worthless, it can be a big deal just buying lunch for a friend. Feeling like they’ve tangibly improved someone else’s life. Even if you’re flush and they’re broke, don’t turn them down if they want to do something nice for you. Instead maybe use it as an excuse to bond more; “OK, you got this one, but next time we get coffee it’s on me.” Now there has to be a next time you get coffee.

    When they want to talk about their struggles, listen. But don’t try to force them to open up. Again, you’re not their therapist.

    Watch out for signs of struggling. If someone doesn’t do well in crowds, but wants to come to a big gathering anyway, be the person who’s ready to say “Hey, do you want to get out of here?” when you can see that they’re at their limit. And when you bail on the party together, maybe say “Sorry guys I’ve got an early start tomorrow so we’re heading out.” A lot of the time people don’t want to single themselves out, but if you make an excuse for both of you that puts the “blame” on yourself, it’s less stress for them.

    Don’t force socialising to always be an active thing; parallel play is really important for a lot of people. It can really mean a lot just to sit in a room with them playing on your Steamdeck while they write notes for their fanfic with their music blasting.

    Be patient. When someone snaps at you, or blows off plans, or says something that was maybe a little hurtful, remember that it’s not really about you. They’re struggling with a disease, and a lot of the time that disease is going to make them act in ways that are hurtful to other people. That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t call people out for their bad behaviour, but be gentle and ready to forgive. You’d want the same from them.

    And above all else, remember that they’re a person, not a list of symptoms, and there is no right answer that fits every person. Depending on who they are, everything I’ve written could be terrible advice. You have to just take your time and get to know them. When you screw up, apologize and ask how you can do better. Remember, you experience their disease in small moments; they live with it all the time.

  • Just to pick one small example, the last four years have seen an unprecedented increase in union membership in the US. This is in large part because under the Democrats the NLRB has made an absolutely ridiculous number of powerful pro-worker rulings that have seriously constrained union busting from the big companies.

    Are things sunshine and rainbows as we live in a beautiful post scarcity utopia? No, not even close. It’s shit. Everything is shit. It’s shit up here in Canada and it’s shit for you guys down there. But the Democrats have, in fact, made things better, in some surprisingly big ways. If this huge growth in union membership is allowed to continue, it could make a huge difference to working conditions for the average person, while also building pro-worker political blocs that have an incredible amount of power to influence the government.

    I’m sorry that you didn’t get Bernie. I’m sorry that you didn’t get the glorious revolution. I’m sorry that you’re still stuck with first past the post, just like us. But don’t go starving yourself to death because no one deigned to serve you fillet mignon. Reality is messy, and it sucks, and sometimes progress is slow and boring. Biden is a neo-liberal ghoul, but he’s put a lot of good people in positions where they can do good work. You seriously want to throw that away and put an actual fascist in power, for the sake of some imagined world where the fairy Godmother turns up to give you your glorious socialist utopia without you having to do any work for it?

  • By guessing the correct password, which is where this brute force dictionary comes in. A database, or other encrypted file, has no means of preventing repeat guesses, so you can take as many bites at the apple as you want. With high end GPU clusters you can attempt thousands of guesses per second. If you restrict your guesses to likely answers only (which is the point of the password list) you can break through in a pretty reasonable amount of time, assuming a vaguely common password was used. Of course, if the database or file is encrypted with something like a random and sufficiently long alphanumeric password or similar, that’s a whole different story, and your odds of getting in go down significantly.

    There are other attacks of course, but those get significantly more complicated and rely on there being some sort of flaw in the encryption scheme to exploit, or you managing to find the password by some other means (sniff it out of memory while the system is live, social engineering, etc).

  • Where are people getting the idea that it even has anything to do with the attack helicopter meme? Because both things reference flying military hardware? Because as far as I can see that’s literally the only “connection”.

    The “aerosexual” thing is because people on NCD constantly post extremely horny art of anthropomorphic fighter planes. This has nothing to do with identifying as anything. They don’t want to be fighter planes, they want to fuck fighter planes, because if you’re not a weirdo who’s horny as hell for military hardware then what are you even doing on NCD? And the joke is, to be clear, entirely self deprecating. It’s “haha, we’re a really weird and fucked up community aren’t we guys?”