I blow hot air.

  • 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I’m on mobile, so I can’t test out any specifics, but this is typically handled with overflow and text-overflow. With those two, plus maybe playing with width, you should be able to achieve what you’re looking for.

    CSS can be really hard and unruly sometimes, even for professional web devs with years of experience. It doesn’t make you dumb. Struggling with stuff like this is exactly what everyone goes through as an essential step of the learning process.

  • I’m more cynical, I think it’s just for clout and marketing. IA is widely known and used, so an attack is guaranteed to be noticed and generate news articles. They’re also known for having large robust infrastructure, but they aren’t large enough that an attack is impossible, so a successful attack is impressive yet still feasible. If someone can pull it off, it would make great marketing for their black market DDOS service and also grant huge bragging rights in certain communities.

  • R6S has been a pay-to-win mess after the first few “seasons”. What’s the difference between a subscription service and regular releases of “optional” $30 dlc that gives you new characters, and thus an edge over the competition?

    R6S players will cope by saying characters are balanced and, if you’re good, you can win with just the basic free characters. The fact is, more characters lets you adapt to, and more effectively counter, more maps, play styles, opposing characters, metas, etc…

    Yes, you can unlock the characters for free, but there are dozens of them and each one takes a ridiculous number of hours to unlock, during which you’re playing at a disadvantage. It’s pretty much impossible for anyone other than dedicated school-aged kids to unlock all of the characters for free.

    All of this, and the game still costs money to buy!!! Complete scam.