• 39 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 12th, 2023


  • At the time of German reunification, both the U.S. and Germany repeatedly promised Gorbachev and then promised Yeltsin that the West would not take advantage of German reunification and the end of the Warsaw Pact (the Soviet Union’s military alliance) by expanding the NATO military alliance eastward. Both Gorbachev and Yeltsin reiterated the importance of this U.S.-NATO pledge. Yet within just a few years, Clinton completely reneged on the Western commitment and began the process of NATO enlargement. Leading U.S. diplomats, led by the great statesman-scholar George Kennan, warned at the time that the NATO enlargement would lead to disaster: “The view, bluntly stated, is that expanding NATO would be the most fateful error of American policy in the entire post-cold-war era.” So, it has proved.  Here is not the place to revisit all of the foreign policy disasters that have resulted from U.S. arrogance towards Russia, but it suffices here to mention a brief and partial chronology of key events.

    In 1999, NATO bombed Belgrade for 78 days with the goal of breaking Serbia apart and giving rise to an independent Kosovo, now home to a major NATO base in the Balkans. In 2002, the U.S. unilaterally withdrew from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty over Russia’s strenuous objections. In 2003, the U.S. and NATO allies repudiated the United Nations Security Council by going to war in Iraq on false pretenses. In 2004, the U.S. continued with NATO enlargement, this time to the Baltic states and countries in the Black Sea region (Bulgaria and Romania) and the Balkans. In 2008, over Russia’s urgent and strenuous objections, the U.S. pledged to expand NATO to Georgia and Ukraine. In 2011, the U.S. tasked the Central Intelligence Agency to overthrow Syria’s Bashar al-Assad, an ally of Russia. In 2011, NATO bombed Libya in order to overthrow Muammar Gaddafi. In 2014, the U.S. conspired with Ukrainian nationalist forces to overthrow Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. In 2015, the U.S. began to place Aegis anti-ballistic missiles in Romania, a short distance from Russia. From 2016 to 2020, the U.S. supported Ukraine in undermining the Minsk II agreement, despite its unanimous backing by the UN Security Council. In 2021, the new Biden administration refused to negotiate with Russia over the question of NATO enlargement to Ukraine. In April 2022, the U.S. called on Ukraine to withdraw from peace negotiations with Russia.

    He covers very well how this all has led up to the current war. Doesn’t mean Russia is the good side by any means they’re definitely not, but the US clearly does not care for peace and it shows our word/agreements mean nothing.

  • They started this spin off of the intercept project relatively recently so that’s probably why.

    Not sure on the down votes but my guess is that you mentioned the media bias sites and people would rather you come to your own conclusions based on the sources history kinda like you ended up doing by looking up the creators instead of relying on those sites.

    I personally stopped interacting with the .worlds world news community after they forced the clearly biased mb/fc bot on everyone despite a lot of complaints.

  • Never said I don’t believe that’s Hamas goal, what I’m saying is it’s largely irrelevant when Israel has been running an apartheid state and killing Palestinians decades before Hamas was even a thing.

    Hamas wouldn’t exist if it wasn’t for Israel’s decades of cruel actions and more recently allowing of funding.

    Think you need to ask why Israel allowed direct funding of Hamas with the clear objective of preventing a Palestinian state. Since like you pointed out they are an extremist organization that won’t help with long term peace in the area. That’s not “anti-semetic” propaganda that was literally from the Times of Israel.

    Trying to deflect criticism of Israel as support for Hamas is bs. No US politician that’s spoken out against Israel or myself in any comment here has ever said Hamas “should be in charge” or “Hamas is a shining example” of what we want in the region. Stopping Israel’s genocide doesn’t mean the end goal is Hamas in charge.

    We want a unified state where all citizens are treated fairly and equally. Israel has taken clear actions to prevent that.

  • What does any of that have to do with Israel’s genocide? No US politician is “Pro-Hamas” they’re at best against the funding and supplying of weapons to Israel due to the ongoing genocide.

    Hamas was elected nearly 20 years ago at this point and there hasn’t been one since due to Israel’s occupation. Nearly half of Gazas population is children so wouldn’t have even been alive during that election. How are any of them responsible for Hamas actions?

    When I say history didn’t start on Oct 7th I’m saying that this has been happening since the Nakba well before Hamas. Decades of apartheid and genocide are going to bread anger against the purpetrators. Especially when peaceful protests have been met with violance by Israel.

    Any support Hamas has is largely because it’s one of the few organizations able to fight against Israel since Israel has been helping prop up Hamas.

    Another source

    The idea was to prevent Abbas — or anyone else in the Palestinian Authority’s West Bank government — from advancing toward the establishment of a Palestinian state.

    So Israel, after running an apartheid state for decades and trying to slowly wipe out the Palestinian people, started to fund Hamas to prevent a Palestinian state from forming because as you clearly pointed out Hamas is an extremist group it blew up in their faces but that’s somehow the fault of the innocent children?

    Maybe Israel should have been pushing for a unified state that guaranteed rights to all groups.

  • Cori Bush was one of only six Democrats who partnered with 200 Republicans to vote against the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Anyone who has driven in St. Louis lately understands , and how desperately we needed that investment.

    IIRC this was because they split the bill with the social programs part that was originally all supposed to be 1 package. She was originally for the combined package.

    Nope, not for Cori Bush, who’s repeatedly voted against defense spending.

    Is this supposed to be bad…?

    Despite the fact that Defund the Police was never effective, is wildly unpopular , and is overwhelmingly unpopular with Black voters, Cori Bush stubbornly continues to support the cause. She did in 2022, and she’s not backing away in 2024.

    But here’s the kicker: Bush spends more on private security than just about any other member of Congress, having spent close to $500,000 on private security in the 2022 cycle. Just to be clear, this is highly aberrant. Combined, the rest of Missouri’s House delegation has spent a grand total of $0 on private security.

    Without getting into a whole separate thing on defund the police I will say the spending is eye raising, she has said:

    “I’m going to make sure I have security because I know I have had attempts on my life and I have too much work to do,” she said.

    I would agree the spending is a bit much but I don’t know the number of threats either. He does later mention she employed her now husband as security as well which is being investigated.

    With a national platform, she fails to take even basic steps to help St. Louisans

    This whole section feels like it’s reaching. Like maybe she felt the best route was to push to give her constituents more time? Why aren’t other state reps also getting heat for the unused funds?

    To a fault, Cori Bush is uncompromisingly partisan

    Like this is meaningless in a vacuum, reaching across the aisle isn’t some automatic good.

    Take her “no” vote on sanctions against Russia

    There are leftists that believe sanctions primarily hurt the working class of countries and not the people in power and so are against them. They haven’t removed Putin from power so far and trying to sanction a third of the countries in the world also has other downsides.

    US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen said she is concerned about the strength of the US dollar going forwards, after widespread implementation of sanctions by the country has pushed other financial institutions to seek trades in other currencies.

    Overall not a lot in there outside of the security spending/investigation which I’ll agree should be looked at.


    Also before any tries to frame voting No on H.R.6679 as problematic look at the actual bill:

    The bill also expands an existing admissions bar against officers, representatives, and spokespersons of the Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). Under this bill, all PLO members are barred from admission into the United States.

    Per Wikipedia:

    the PLO recognized Israeli sovereignty with the Oslo I Accord, and now only seeks Arab statehood in the Palestinian territories (the West Bank and the Gaza Strip) that have been militarily occupied by Israel since the 1967 Arab–Israeli War.