• 9 Posts
Joined 3 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • One of my favorite brands of silliness.

    ‘‘Free thinkers’’ love to think of themselves as ‘‘enlightened’’, as brilliant individuals whom have ‘‘cracked the code’’, broke the binary, went beyond the pale of ‘‘good and evil’’, rose above the filth of material reality, of left and right in political terms.

    There are none more sheepishly led by the nose than those that think they’re free, paraphrasing from Goethe, and deliberately utilizing the word ‘‘sheep’’ in there. Because these are the clowns that always call people ‘‘sheep’’ while, as comrades have pointed out, bleating state department talking points. They think they’re freed from material reality, ‘‘free spirits’’ roaming aimlessly, ‘‘sovereign citizens’’ in defiance of state decrees. The amount of irony in their existence is what I find most entertaining, and why I love seeing their ass takes on YT comment sections.

  • Man, you reminded me of something…A couple of months ago, maybe 2-4, there was this stupid ‘‘presentation’’ from escuálidos, Venezuelan gusanos, out in Times Square, and they brought their own VR headsets, talking about probably at most 30 people pestering passerbies (can’t believe that ain’t a word), and the idea was that you’d wear the headset and have a VR ‘‘experience’’ of being ‘‘tortured’’ in the Helicoide, a prison in Venezuela.

    The thing is, this is like the Uyghur bullshit, it’s the same MO, cause all they have are drawings, ‘‘testimonies’’, basically hearsay and rumors from ‘‘political prisoners’’ (all convicted for pulling shit, but the second they’re caught they become ‘‘political prisoners’’). Like, that is literally it. There’s nothing there, no hard proof. I’ve seen those clowns and they don’t have a scratch on themselves and some even got out of that prison fatter or jacked up. It made me laugh when I saw it cause they went and made one of those infamous Steam greenlight shitty ‘‘games’’ to feel tortured cause it’s all they got.

  • My gut leads me to think that the truth lies on the side of what Noah and Brendan said. Why? Because I’ve listened to Vincent Bevins before on interviews and he’s still fighting with that idealism. Why do I make this claim? Because he still thinks that some people involved in the HK riots, the guarimbas in Venezuela, the Maidan shit, etc, were well-meaning, but their movements were taken over by reaction, in other words, co-opted. I do not believe that and hindsight is 20/20. These activities from the moment they were invented had a direction, and just because some well-meaning folks who spout ‘‘leftist’’ slogans were duped, does not mean those movements were at any time on our side.

    Let’s look at the HK shit. We saw from the beginning, Union Jacks and signs asking Trump to intervene. Later we saw even Azov clowns over there, and they were calling people in the mainland of China, cockroaches or locusts. Nobody here with their head on straight, will look at that and conceive, in any way possible, that those people are ‘‘left’’ or fighting for anything good. Let’s look at Maidan next. I don’t give a shit if Yanukovych isn’t a lefty or anything, but the people out in the streets were supportive of the EU, that’s a red flag for me, while shouting pro-Western slogans, and being overtly Russophobic, plus, we even saw US officials on stage over there.

    But, bro, I see a US flag or something, and my sirens go off. Because I’ve seen enough, man. I’ve been following Venezuela’s story closely for the past 6yrs or so, and I’ve learned so much observing escuálidos. These people never act spontaneously or alone. Reaction is always directed, and from the same studio at ‘‘Always the Same Map, Inc.’’

  • And, boy, do we have some highly ‘‘skilled’’ contenders in the Gusanery Awards! A veritable international competition on who bends their knees the lowest, who licks boots the cleanest, who sells out for the lowest amount, who self-hates the deepest, whose dignity is the basest, who claims to have lost the biggest farm, whose grandpa lost the largest monopoly, who owned the most slaves, who comes up with flag pairings that baffle the soul, whose buffoonery was the cringest?!

    Will it be the bobaliberals with their self-deprecation towards the West? The all-time classics, the gusanos? The bolsominions who rode in front of trucks, cried like babies and threw tantrums all over Brasil? The pititas whose lives improved under Evo Morales, became ‘‘middle class’’ and started hating the MAS that brought them there? Or will it be one of my personal favorites, the escuálidos, whom follow the ‘‘President of a Thousand Faces’’, yes, the legendary Juan Guaidó, whom went on to fill the presidencies of various countries under such pseudonyms as John Whitedough, Jin Guraido, Jun Guaidosuke, John Guaidington, Ivan Guaidonov, Jean Guaideaux, and many others! Stay tuned for this year’s Gusanery Awards!

  • I spent the holidays last year going to a neighbor’s house, and hanging out in the balcony, with fireworks popping off from the ‘‘cerro’’ behind my home, with beers and loud music, while his boys who’re off in Chicago, were videocalling us from their car, in a parking lot, drinking with us and some Mexican friends of theirs, while looking out for cops. The contrast was just sad.

  • This is just to add a strategy that helps me out.

    The reason I caught on to this ‘‘nuance fetishism’’ some time ago was by looking at function. What is the function of nuance? What does it do, and whom does it benefit? What is the function of ‘‘leftists’’ who parrot their western media and repeat the same shit the right says, for example? They may claim to be nominally leftwing, but functionally they’re rightwing. Names don’t matter shit, what matters is what names do. What good am I doing by pissing into the sea? If everyone is criticizing say, China right now, on every news show and YT channel, what is the point, if I wish to counteract their bullshit, of me repeating the same crap those channels are saying? Or lending a shred of credence to their factually incorrect takes? If I want to convince you about my point, will adding critiques function as strengths or weaknesses to my point? In my opinion, they weaken my point, because we cannot give an iota to reaction. This brings me to a related point to nuance which is ‘‘balance’’. Balance, Bothsiding and Nuance, are the trifecta of liberalism, and function as the same thing: justifying the status quo. What are they functionally doing? What is the function of bothsiding? When you equivocate, speak from both sides of your mouth, are you to be taken seriously? In words, you’re not taking a position, but functionally, you’ve taken the position of the status quo. What is the function of saying, for example, with regards to Palestine, that ‘‘it’s complicated’’? To not do shit about it, and condemn those that do, like Ansar Allah and Hamas. This also adds the trick of ‘‘muddying the waters’’, of ‘‘equalizing’’ opposing forces as both bad. Let’s not forget the all time Christmas classic, ‘‘harm reduction’’, or more colloquially known as ‘‘voting for the lesser evil’’, which are related to ‘‘all governments are bad’’, and function as means of quelling change or believing in an alternative.