god social democrats would rather be fascists than socialists
I put a spell on youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and now you’re goooooooooooooooooone
gone gone gone, SO LONG!
god social democrats would rather be fascists than socialists
All hail Julius Malema
seems American electioneering has done its work. What fucking morons would willingly sacrifice themselves to a neoliberal ghoul.
After Romero’s death, the Union of Indigenous Communities of the Northern Zone of the Isthmus (UCIZONI) released a statement that condemned his killing and demanded that authorities “promptly” initiate an investigation into his death.
I have some trust that the government isnt being a piece of shit, because killing leaders of indigenous groups is fucking shitty
Aaaaaaaaand Israel does a new genocide god fucking dammit
trotskyists dont appreciate lenin, they worship trotsky
i miss marxism leninism
I think the accepted narrative now is that Mao tried to speedrun the revolutions and ended up with a tragedy.
well yeah because the right wing won out, of course they’d say that. Although its true that it would have been better with the improvement of material conditions, and that many methods (highschoolers dont know fuck all don’t make them part of a political movement) were incorrect. Generally it was a good thing, and is something that should be strived for. China now is a horrible mess of neo-confucian ideology that will only fan the flames of the burgeoning petite-bourgeoisie class. If they dont have a cultural revolution of their own its very likely a gorbachev like character can start wrecking it down sponsored by the right wing.
A lot of the issues can be attributed by being too decentralized and not effectively establishing a vanguard organization. The Red guards were various in ideologies and dogmatism, and couldn’t be effectively controlled when they did over correct. Harassment of people into suicide is one of the famous ones by the more dogmatist cliques that were usually lead by actual teenagers with ultraleft ideologies.
In any case, from a historical point of view, the Cultural Revolution led to the rise of liberal reformers and was a deeply traumatic event for many people including many of the post-Mao era leaders.
Didn’t it literally fight against those people though. The right only rose to power because they won, they beat out the revolts, purged the gang of four, basically sidelined mao.
They don’t talk about it because it would be bad to actually recognize how far right they deviated in order to fight against the cultural revolution. Its dengists who won, of course they made sure it was killed off and no alternatives exist.
i mean this is a fascist cultural revolution, what do you think the nazis did when they got into power? Kristallnacht
god this is why we need actual socialists not loser fuckin sucdems
i dont care if they’re the nicest human being on the planet, I’d rather die than date a fuckin trotskyist
where is the source for this
indoor cat gang stays winning
i mean they could at least cut off relations with israel
you probably summoned it into existence sorry
well yeah its racist as fuck. Blue and red MAGA all i gotta say
i was talking about the mongol empire dude
edit: wait so were you ahhhhhhhhhhhhh
I understand that, but usually that is the mass movement, there are always vanguard cadres pushing everyone further left as much as possible. Mass movements are really fragile and what matters is the parties that can take advantage of them. Usually those parties already exist.
I saw BLM change only very few minds, and many libs who walked the walk have like reversed their lukewarm positions.
Tbh the only way they have destroyed any power so far is the death of USAID, but they’ll probably make an alternate organization to fill its purpose.
I think the impact of some liberals being radicalized to the left is much smaller than the ones being radicalized to the right. Liberals inherently co-opt movements whenever they enter them, so I actually despise their participation when they still are libs.
some will, and we need all the comrades we can get. I’m just saying that the right wing is still winning, the vast majority of america is moving further right. It takes powerful socialist orgs to push people further left, which we dont have. Not saying to give up, quite the opposite, im just trying to have a balanced assessment of the current situation.
that just sounds like their version of democrat cope tbh, “we lost because of the radical left not conforming to our positions” like lmao people are gonna critique socdems
for being cool as fuck