Don’t talk shit. One does not hear of Abraxas by accident.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • Blackout curtains, melatonin, whatever you can to control your sleep and block out noise and light are a must. The ice cream man can be your enemy. Stock up on emergency 5 hour energies, I like to have soylent in reserve too because sometimes food and shit won’t be available.

    I won’t lie, night shift strained many of my relationships. It took quite a bit from me. But it can give back too. Things like audiobooks and videogames replaced drinking at bars with friends. Have solo hobbies prepared.

    There’s a temptation to become diurnal on weekends that will work against you.

    Also, you have to be firm about your schedule with people. They don’t consider night shifts in their plans, so you want to make sure you let people know often what can or can’t work with your sleep cycle.

  • Honestly, and I might struggle a bit to explicate this, but I don’t necessarily think that places like r/atheism are without value. I am an atheist, but I’m not “interested” in atheism – one day in adulthood I realized I don’t even think about religion at all anymore. Unless there’s some zealot freak on the news, I forget religion or religious people exists day-to-day, and my general course in life does not bring me into contact with religious people anymore. This is a luxury not shared by all, of course. I was an angry atheist who liked to use words like Christofascism and smirk about the sky daddy. Later in life I went to a Richard Dawkins rally to hear Tim Minchin play and it didn’t have the same resonance for me because my lack of religion was a given.

    But when I was in high school? When there was actual social pressure for religion coming down on me? The hostility I took from religious people was remarkable. It could have ruined me. I was angry, then, and at that time in my life I had to be rude and mean and hostile and throw back every insult and strawman I could get to get that freedom from religion. The smirking, fedora atheist with a bad attitude is annoying, and a community of them is not the type of place I want to spend time, but I think it’s so important that they have that community to develop that anger and language when it’s a weapon they need to fight.

  • I think the dirty secret is that social media is both an incredibly vital part of people’s lives and businesses, but it’s free and ad revenue doesn’t really make anyone the crazy profits their valuations suggest it should. That it’s happening all at once is I think partly attributable to financial tightening – higher interest rates mean people have less patience with money they’ve floated, partly that Twitter going weird gave everyone else cover to do the same, and my personal opinion, the Writer’s Strike gives a little room for the companies to do dumb shit without having to worry about getting roasted on late night.

  • Honestly as an early user of Facebook, Reddit, etc., we shouldn’t forget that when people first came to these services, they were the smaller, cleaner, more text-based alternatives to bigger corporate bullshit. Myspace was busy, bloated, Malware prone, Facebook was light and organized. Digg became super corporatized overnight, Reddit was clean and simple. Once early users are on that shit when it’s good, their friends follow, and eventually communities form and it’s very, very difficult if you care about a community to abandon it for an alternative. Websites aren’t just “websites,” they’re people, and just like tech companies eventually always put profits over people, people put people over software. They’ll put up with a lot of shit to stay on touch woth the people they loved.