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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: January 9th, 2025


  • I have lifelong experience in the deep south and rural areas which is where the worst of it is. They usually will not say anything to your face but some they might say something to their friend behind your back (and be completely embarrassed if they find out you overheard it). Remember these aren’t cartoon buff guys with bats where half of them are named Skeeter. It’s not as overtly in your face as much as media likes to portend.

    It’s also wildly different who is black. If it’s the man who’s black, then there is this sentiment that “they’re invading our women” and it gives them a predatory feeling. But if a white man picks a girl of any race then they don’t really care. It’s the same sentiment that if a white man wants to date a black girl or smash his hand with a hammer or eat 200 hot dogs in a sitting, he’s got that god given American Freedum to do what he wants.