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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • While that’s true, what’s illegitimate is when the idiots set up bots to spam negative reviews, like what happened with Captain Marvel and Last Jedi. A person with a negative opinion is fine. A bot spamming the same negative reviews again and again in order to artificially bring down the score? Not fine.

    I’m not saying that’s what happened here, but reviewing bombing generally consists of more than a group of angry people writing honest reviews.

  • I really love this theme. Off the top of my head:

    “Verdanturf Town” and “Dewford Town” from Pokemon Sapphire/Ruby.

    “Fate and Destiny” from Patrick Doyle’s score for Brave (or really anything by Patrick Doyle; his soundtrack for Goblet of Fire is lovely).

    “Test Drive” and “Romantic Flight” from How to Train your Dragon.

    “Thula Baba” from Civilization 6. (This one isn’t streaming, so it’s a little hard to find, but it’s a beautiful rendition of a traditional lullabye: https://youtu.be/25X8JYsPqyg.")

    “What are You” from Silvestri’s soundtrack for Ready Player One.

    Hope that helps! If I think of any more, I’ll add them.