SootySootySoot [any]

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • In my anxious moods, I do sort of prepare myself. I try to think of every possible eventuality, every possible accusation or thought someone may have, every thing I might forget or fumble, and try to imagine what I might do to counteract or resolve it. It’s still often a meaningless task because there are practically infinite possibilities, but in theory there’s a logic and a benefit to it…

    That is a cool way to think about it though. I might put more meta-thought into it for the future.

  • Any sources to back up that a vague amount of infrared of the eye region is so meaningfully essential to face recognition systems? My sunglasses reflect most visible light, and they reflect some infrared light, and they cost $5. Even granting that very shaky claim, infrared blocking materials aren’t that expensive, this seems like a gimmick to make up for big prices.

    A mask and any sunglasses or hat will prevent facial recognition 1000x better I suspect.