Smorty [she/her]

I’m a person who tends to program stuff in Godot and also likes to look at clouds. Sometimes they look really spicy outside.

  • 33 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • Fix: Run the FileAccess.get_file_as_bytes() method in a thread. I thought a thread wouldn’t allow for loading files using FileAccess, but it seems I was mistaken. I personally just make the Thread run my _threaded_loading(file_path:String) method and then call a signal named loaded_bytes(data:PackedByteArray). The _threaded_loading method looks like this:

    func _threaded_loading(path:String) -> void:
    	print("I am the thread and I will now load this file")
    	var file:FileAccess =, FileAccess.READ)
    	print("i have opened the file")
    	var bytes:PackedByteArray = file.get_buffer(file.get_length())
    	print("I have the bytes of the file")
    	print("I have closed the file")
    	call_deferred_thread_group("emit_signal", "loaded_bytes", bytes)

    It is important to emit the signal deferred, as a Thread on its own can’t emit a signal on its own. I did print a lot in the method just to check that everything is working as intended. I hope this helps someone!