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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I think this is a double edged sword; It is easier for auto makes to make a profit on larger vehicles. Example of Ford discontinuing all cars in US except mustang in 2019 because of profitability. Americans feel they must compete in the road arms race because they do not feel safe with larger and larger vehicles. There is more demand for bigger vehicles and bigger vehicles make more profit, naturally this will explode into every manufacturer making larger things.

    Next up: Caterpillar will release their ASV (armored security vehicle) to the civilian market and it sells like hotcakes!

  • Yeah man Tofu is a great complete protein! But is tricky to cook and if you don’t do something special with it, it will taste like nothing and feels mushy. This is why tofu gets a bad rap.

    If you are interested in cooking with tofu! Here is a killer tofu marinade I do. I am in love with this tofu and would eat it like cereal every morning if I could. This goes well with any Asian, rice or veggie dish:

    Ginger-seseme tofu:

    • Firm or extra firm tofu

    • Take the package of tofu and cut it open with a knife, it looks like you can open it with your hands but you cannot. Keep this package as a marinade binn for later

    • drain all the water from the package and squeeze the water out of the tofu by placing it between some heavy things or even with your hands, the more water out the more flavor in but try to keep the shape intact

    • Now mix together the marinade in a bowl with:

      1/4 cup soy sauce

      1/4 cup rice vinegar

      2 tablespoons lime juice

      2 tablespoons brown sugar

      1 tablespoon minced ginger

      1 tablespoon siracha

      1 tablespoon sesame oil

      2 cloves garlic minced

    • Cut up the freshly squeezed tofu into dice sized cubes and place them back into the original container

    • Add the marinade into the container with the tofu and put into a fridge, let sit anywhere from 30mins - 4 hrs

    • Finally, bake in an oven set to 425f or air fryer set to high for 30mins flipping half way.

    Protip! - freeze and thaw the package of tofu. Something about freezing tofu alters it’s structure, this allows wore water to be drained and more marinade to be absorbed, almost 2x more!

    If you try hope you enjoy!

    I know that was a lot so if you want quick foolproof tofu that solves the texture problem but relies on the flooring of what it is put with:

    • Press water out of the tofu like above

    • Cut the tofu into the same dice sized cubes or shred it into a mixing bowl with your hands

    • Toss with 1.5 tablespoons of cornstarch

    • Fry tofu in oil, flipping until golden brown

    Phew’ this was all phone typed, hope it makes sense. <3

    Edit: fix formatting

  • I would recommend one but I have always been wery about sending password data through the internet to be stored on some companies server. So I put in the effort to host my own Vaultwarden docker instance through TrueNas scale (True charts) on my home server and access it via a VPN tunnel (Wireguard). It’s very complicated to setup compared to a web service but this way I own all of my password data locally. The android app (Bitwarden) works alright but sometimes it has trouble understanding what is a login screen and you have to force fill things. Vaultwarden as a docker instance works great. The only time this setup needs to be on VPN is to save a new password. Using existing passwords seem to be cached on my device.