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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023


  • Thanks a lot for your writeup! Thanks to you and others I’m now a member of a few private trackers and happily seeding around.

    That said could you please add a few tips how to find open sign-ups or recruitments for the more exclusive trackers? I still try to find some place where I find the doctor who christmas specials after all ;)

    The telegram list you posted seems dead according to another user and the forums and the big R always have the same few it seems - or I’m just too slow / looking in the wrong places :D

    Looking mainly for series and movies, not the most recent stuff necessarily.

    I’m not active in any forums just for the sake of activity for example although I’m a power user on the few trackers I managed to join so far.

    Any tips and pointers would be highly appreciated. Perhaps I’m also just too impatient, my arr sails are up for not even a month :D

  • Disclaimer: also Hobby person but did some more reading on that topic in the past. . Think about what those things are then decide:

    The tos are your conditions: I as provider of this service will reserve the right to x. When a user does y I will do z. It’s cover your ass for businesses.

    A privacy policy on the other hand might be required by law as soon as you process user data in any way. This is something that I would look into your jurisdiction and their requirements. I’d guess Germany is more on the formal side on things (clichés and everything)

    In short: you don’t need a tos but most likely want one. You don’t want a privacy policy but most likely need one. :)