Programmer. Gamer. Weirdo. Pizza annihilator. Rubik’s Cuber.

Not afraid of being honest. Native German speaker, fluent in English.

Aroace. Trans Ally.

Part of the big Reddit user migration.

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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月12日


  • depends what you mean with “taboo”.

    being a neo-nazi? generally heavily frowned upon. use certain nazi imagery and/or deny that the holocaust happened? both actually punishable by law.

    taboo as in we don’t talk about it? hell no! we get taught about the cruelties that happened here at length in school above a certain age. let me tell you, history class in germany is not fun. in certain german states there’s also one mandatory(?) school trip to the remains of one of the nearest concentration camps. trust me, we know about the absolutely inhumane cruelty these monsters were capable of.

    content warning for the rest of the post:

    one of the images that stuck most with me was of a documentary shown in school. pictures of one of the gas chambers, where they shoved in by the hundreds. the concrete ceiling had fingernail imprints. the implications of that alone are haunting. they must have had absolutely agonizing last minutes in there.

    …or some punishment cells in concentration camps. just tight gaps, enough to shove someone in sideways. and not tall enough to be able to stand upright in. the person inside could not get relief from standing up, they could not sit down. all they could do was exist in a painful position with the knees against one wall, the butt against the other wall, and gravity doing the rest to cause relentless pressure on the knees. as far as I know they got put in there for days, with eye witnesses describing constant screams of agony from inside.

    …or the one time hitler decided to hang some people. but not with a regular rope, but rather on piano strings, with the victims being lowered very slowly into their final position. once hanging, there was no way for the victim to grab the string anymore. all they could do was flail around and slowly suffocate. it was just another sadistic way of maximizing pain, agony and despair in the people they hated and hunted.

    and these are just a tiny fraction of the documented things. i don’t even want to imagine what atrocities without witnesses happened.

    (edits for grammar)

  • Relationships? Which relationships?

    I’m honestly half joking. The one relationship I ever entered as a teenager was because I was drowning in hetero- and amatonormativity and didn’t know any better. I never hugged her, I never kissed her, and I especially never did any naughty things with her. It was an attempt from my mother to encourage me to feel love as an otherwise friend-less neurodivergent child. you know, the kind of “why don’t you write a love letter to her, if you enjoy being around her?” encouragement. It was only platonic, but I didn’t know better. I’m sure my mother meant well, but in hindsight it is disgusting how much it actually was amatonormative coercion.

    Other than that, as an aroace, I never entered a romantic or sexual relationship.

    I did find some amazing online friends for life, though. We’ve been meeting for a full week once a year, for the last decade, and always have a blast. Funnily enough, at least 4 people in the friend group turned out to be queer… :D

    And friendships is where I excel at, I’d say. I’d consider myself a very loyal friend.

    What does hurt a bit is the obvious priority shift when people start putting their long term relationship to the next level, which usually massively decreases the time and effort they put into their friend groups. The fact that they suddenly have something better to do than do stuff with friends, or only rarely show up, because their significant other(s) are more important does feel more and more isolating over time.

  • German here.

    hottest: 42°C in summer 2003. there have probably been warmer days by now, but I’m not aware of any.

    coldest: -14°C in winter 2009/2010, while waiting for an absolute asshole of a bus driver to stop reading his news paper and finally open the door to let us in. I get that you want to enjoy your break in silence, but ffs. Leaving us waiting in such cold temperatures for around 10 minutes was just inhumane.

  • German here. We have rather shitty weather in autumn, winter and parts of spring. I for one welcome the warmth and most heat waves. 25°C and up is when I start to function and… live. I prefer heat so much over cold.

    I loathe the first day of autumn and the realization that it’s gonna take more than a half year until we get some non-depressing weather again. I really hope that point is going to be late this year.