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Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月11日

  • That’s what I had going. I was fine with supporting the creators that I subscribed to. I have a whitelist on my ad blockers for sites that I support and have decent ads (if it looks like “Ow! My Balls” from Idiocracy, I block them). But, YouTube added WAY too many ads, unskippable ads, ads everywhere. It’s too much, and the creators get less and less. I block everything I can on YouTube now. Some are still getting through, but most of the time I’m good. Still some great creators, and I’m going to start downloading the ones I really want to keep for reference.

  • For some reason both sides have adopted a “with us or against us”

    I hate this. I hate that if you are not 100% aligned to a certain groups policies, you’re pretty much the devil in disguise. A leftist Democrat that supports the 2A? You’re a “hard core racist bigot conservative that needs to home someone you love die in a shooting to see how you like it!”. Those people are insane. It’s not how the majority thinks, but those that do are very outspoken and loud so they have way more visibility.

    There are a lot of people (on both sides) that can see how extreme parts of their “side” are and are very self aware of those things. They’ll call out their own side for going too far, being too weird, and saying unfactual things. Those are the people that you can have real conversations with. You won’t agree, you won’t change opinions, but the conversation is generally very informative and you’re not getting pissed off at each other (or you do, but you still show each other a mutual respect).

    I cannot stand those with the “with us or against us” mentality. They really need to GTFO. And they absolutely cannot say they are patriots and support America first and everything that goes along with that. Because our country was founded on different principals, people with different viewpoints, and we created ways to allow those various viewpoints to exist together. We WANT to have different viewpoints instead of just allowing one to flourish and grow to an extreme and heavy handed policy. If you support the “Us” part of that, we are ALL with us, even if our views are opposing and we refuse to even meet in the middle.

  • Effective, sure. But, if a company is truly engaging, listening, adapting to the employees needs and feedback, unions would be a lot less needed or effective. When companies are exploiting workers, lowering wages and benefits, causing more problems and not listening to employees, unions can really make a huge difference. If the people are looking to unionize, the company is failing and the workers aren’t being listened to and they want change to happen.

    Unions can do a lot of good. I’m very pro-union. But, people don’t go looking to unionize if things are going great and the company is really listening and adapting to employee concerns.

  • Kind of. But, without the “cool” factor. You were a geek, a nerd. Computers were for nerds for a while, the internet was like a computer library which were also only for nerds. Towards the late 90’s, it started to become cool and then suddenly everyone and their grandpa had a computer and the internet.

    It was a bit more difficult back then, too. I was dialing into Seattle (long distance) for my closest POP for the internet. Had to use trumpet for Windows because it didn’t have a native dialer, and Mosaic for a browser. Before that, it was all BBS’s. Always fun finding new sites (and we also had a “internet phonebook” that was a physical book with a list of most websites).