Companies would rather cut their noses of in the end of a quarter, to claim a weight loss, than do something that would spell positive results for its lifetime…
Companies would rather cut their noses of in the end of a quarter, to claim a weight loss, than do something that would spell positive results for its lifetime…
And the extra costs to support a feature I never use.
And he wasn’t sure if he at all was going to publish it. I believe it was his wife who convinced him. Unfortunately people didn’t/don’t understand the point with the book, ie this is a bad thing to do.
With deep fakes all around you can’t really trust a phonecall just because you believe that you recognise the voice 😉😆
My wife is like that, she can still function (though I guess it costs her) while I’m totally knocked out by mines.
This is due to a murder that happened at an IKEA a couple of years ago. The murderer used knives from the department store.
That won’t help, you need scissors to open the packaging for knives from IKEA.
I wish, I really liked G+. My sharing is based on common interests, not relationship.
From a business standpoint I would never want to hire that accountant. If he openly talks about employees that way and being a bad customers to others he would probably also be a very bad supplier.