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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • What? No, what I mean is that it was known how people were increasingly aligning their opinions to the right for probably more than a decade now. Especially in exactly those areas which now voted for AFD. But instead of doing anything about it then, it was washed aside with: “Eh well it’s all Nazis there anyway! What a bunch of idiots!” and that was it.

    Again and again there was the occasional article where all people agreed upon how bad those people are and for a while perhaps being called right-wing or Nazi had some weight in persuading people they should seriously question their opinions. But without any further action, I wonder what people were thinking how this would prevent those people from voting a party like AFD further down the line?!

    Now some of them are already at a point where they will just proudly agree that they are right-wing or conservatives. What a surprise.

    Depending on how it works out with the AFD in that town, I am sure people in similar places are watching closely. This can escalate quickly. I believe, when this doesn’t turn out as a complete desaster for the town, a kind of domino effect will happen and more people will feel comfortable voting for the AFD. I mean, they are already branded as right-wing Nazis, why not vote accordingly? When a 60 yo village dweller finds he agrees with some of the points the AFD makes and that makes him right-wing, perhaps being right-wing is a good thing? That’s how people work and we need to step in at that point and not wait for a miracle of them suddenly making a mental U-turn.

  • I think it is quite unfair towards someone to be with them only because otherwise you wouldn’t have any friends. Unless of course you both know about that.

    Many people do not invest in relationships and that is the main reason they end up alone. I have seen this in other couples a lot.

    For example, my father always tagged along but never had any respect for the work my mother put into relationships with friends and families. When they divorced my father became a grumpy and lonely old man who gets increasingly awkward the longer he spends cooped up alone.

    He believes his way out is finding another woman. He seems to be unable to understand that it shouldn’t be another person’s job to “make” his social life…

    A partner is no replacement for friends and they can’t be the stand in for all other relationships.