She/Her, Also

Academy Award nominated character actress, clown psychiatrist, Duchess of Bay Ridge, and plastic doll.

She is all of us, yet I’m not her, but sometimes I play her on TV.

So what will be my ending?

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023


  • Realistically, seeing someone in a setting you do not expect them to be in would make you less likely to recognize them, so it would be less “Hey, Williem Dafoe is in my jury” and more “Hey, that guy in my jury kind of looks like the actor from Spider-man”.

    Think of it this way, if Williem Dafoe shows up at say, a tech conference, and went around telling everyone “I’m esteemed Academy Award nominated character actor Williem Dafoe”, most people there are going to think:“Why is there a Williem Dafoe impersonator at this conference?” instead of “Why is Williem Dafoe here?”

    Hiding in plain sight.