• 226 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: February 2nd, 2023


  • My most controversial take is that the animal rights movement is basically Ninety percent right. I eat as vegetarian as possible but I allow myself meat on like half the days but I try to minimize it.

    I also have this other view… That mass production has actually ended up breaking the world economy. Certain countries are damned to be just resource harvesters and others get to reap all the benefits. Neocolonialism is a real phenomenon…and it’s bad.

    So I actually have two views that alienate me from a lot of conservatives here…

    But my views that alienate me from liberals… They’re more obvious. But not controversial in the context of history. Like telling the audience of humanity past, present, and future that it’s bad to cut your dick off or for men to take dicks in the ass or women to marry other women is about as controversial as announcing that “pissing in a glass and drinking it isn’t good.” yes, some Indians will disagree, but life be like that.

  • What is also funny is that the reparations article was presented without commentary and the shock was that it was such a massive number that had been paid, decade after decade…

    A truly progressive group would also point out that this money was going largely towards Israel, which is an apartheid state, to back up Israeli narratives… But that isn’t really what those leftists over there complaining about this are, now is it?

    Just wild stuff - “These guys are right wing and mentioned the Holocaust… Must only be to deny it.” lol.

  • Right - the Holocaust reparations thing was insane to me because at no point does it involve any Holocaust denial anywhere. In fact, the policy is not even criticized or commented upon… It’s treated as a news story, and what criticism may have occurred centers around the fact that so much is still spent for an age cohort that has now largely died out…

    Nowadays, they just point out all the memes we have that make fun of trans people.


    People are just hypersensitive and think of any amount of “transphobia” as a gateway to all forms of hatred.

    It makes no sense since most people, I think, come to alternatives for reddit and social media for maximized free speech and to see dissenting opinions but these guys act like the purpose is greater levels of control and censorship (lol).