• 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 23rd, 2022

  • Because OP literally only asked who’s seen it all the answers here are plain yes/no ay?

    This “you have to experience something to comment on it” is liberal individualism anyway. I don’t have to be a farmer to comment on the impact of climate change on farming or climate change more broadly.

    You’d have a point if I had commented on the movie’s writing, aesthetic, picture, acting performances, score, etc. But I didn’t. I made a general point about the nature of cultural products under capitalism and the laws that govern this movie as much as any other.

  • Haven’t seen it, don’t plan to, don’t care to tbh.

    But having talked to some people about it, this is my takeaway: “Messaging” is simply a new tool of marketing, especially “subversive” messaging. You’re not buying a car - you’re committing a revolutionary act of activism against climate change and fossil capitalism. You’re not buying an ethically farmed, grass-fed, local steak, you’re fighting animal cruelty and big farming lobbies with your consumption. You’re not simply dressing up skandidly in pink to watch a multi-hundred million dollar Hollywood production of Barbie produced and approved of by its parent company, giving new legitimacy to that old rubber toy franchise and boosting sales numbers. You’re totally subverting gender roles and criticizing capitalism by doing so.

    Imo you’re not. You’re just buying a new car, munching another steak and going to the movies again promoting one of the most famous IPs of all time. It’s the same thing we’ve done our entire lives. Changing the messaging around the act without changing the act, doesn’t change the act. You’re just doing the thing.

    There can’t be anything really subversive coming out of the hegemonic culture industry. By the very nature of its production, via the commodification it undergoes, it has already become toothless and assimilated. Neoliberal anti-capitalism is just the newest sales-pitch. It’s along the lines of “diverse” CIA targeting officer recruitment ads. Just like capitalism can’t produce true anti-war movies, it can’t produce anti-capitalist or real anti-gender-role movies. It would be self-defeating if it did.

    That being said, if you enjoy it more power to you. Nobody needs a grand narrative of subversion and messaging to go see and enjoy a movie at the theater. If you get something deeper out of it, even better.

  • Same honestly. At the very least it would’ve taken longer or gone via very different routes. I was already very far in radicalization before I found that sub, but it did play a big part in transfering that radical energy into praxis. But GZD was explicitly not about discussing with libs, it was dunking and meming on them. It was the discussions among comrades that I found most valuable to me. Comrades talking about their organizing efforts in the real world that got me motivated. That was something I had not experienced in real-life before and that’s what I sought and found in real organizing.

  • Basically if there were patty’s with some teeth they would enforce party discipline and education and that would lead to higher quality discourse online.

    Not necessarily. Comrades that engage in actual praxis in RL mostly just don’t care enough to engage in discussions online. I can certainly attest to that. Since I started organizing offline my interest in engaging with libs online has stopped almost entirely. It’s time consuming, annoying, unpleasant and for the most part simply unproductive. 99% of people of any political affiliation do not engage in good-faith debate online - including me and most comrades here. The time I have for political activism is sparse and I can do more productive things with it than talk to a liberal who’s just gonna reply with a sissy-pee social credit meme to a comment I took 30mins to write. RL discussions for the most part are much better in this regard, because the human component shines through much more and you tend to pre-select the people you engage with to a much larger extent. Getting into political discussions with people completely opposed to your view doesn’t happen that much, whereas it is the standard online.

    Is there anyway to work on like, an online party discipline?

    For existing real-life parties going online maybe, but their energy is used much better elsewhere. For a bunch of randos like us? I don’t think so tbh. We are not organized, there’s no discipline, no organizational structure, no mechanisms to enforce things, no participation to come to conclusions and analysis.

    I agree that communists in 2023 have to use the online space productively. Creating platforms like lemmygrad, producing content like podcasts, videos, articles, streams, etc is just much more worth-while (and even that’s limited) and lends itself more to concerted efforts than discussions with dorky libs.

  • The wildest thing to me is, that she is imitating something like an AI generated bot. AI imitations of humans are sometimes quite unsettling and uncanny, but this is a million times more terrifying to me. And to be fair, she’s doing it really well. It looks robotic as fuck.

    Obviously this is the natural conclusion of the commodification of everything, every aspect of what it means to be a human. It’s like the division of labour in factories, the breaking down of complex manufacturing into easily repeatable, mechanic processes - just here the commodity produced is human interaction.

    It’s terrifying what this says about the zeitgeist and modern societies that there’s even demand for it. That people are so alienated from the interactions they produce, they’re now consuming them in these repetitive, bite sized, alienated, simulated portions.

    Horrifying, as you said. I honestly haven’t felt this weird and uneasy about anything on the internet in a very very long time.

  • There you go. As I said allegedly, but RWA brought this video up in their livestream too. Could be random civilians, but RWA is usually somewhat careful with these things so I didn’t discard it immediately.

    Could be just a delaying strategy, but still seems weird that nothing’s really being done about them and all the units we’ve seen so far have been police, Akhmat, Rosgvardia and a few VDV in Moscow. You’d expect a convy in rebellion moving hundreds of kms through the country to be blasted apart, when this gets exponentially worse for every minute it drags on.

    Edit: Videos of S400 missiles and S300s moving in/to Rostov, which is kinda weird too.

  • So there’s multiple (?) armored columns moving through the country towards Moscow and almost 24h in there’s been no real, organized resistance at any point. Wagner’s just cruising past the few barriers, is still chillin at the Rostov HQ and allegedly the first video of Wagners detaining Akhmat forces has popped up. Sound’s like substantial parts of the army and law enforcement at least tacitly approve of this.

  • I was gonna make a joke along the lines of “What an existing office worker looks like in current year:” and attach a picture of your average, depressed, hunchbaked, tired office worker.

    Just Google literally refused to show me anything but extremely curated, staged stock photos of ‘’‘’‘‘depressed’’‘’’ looking model types sitting at a lone, well lit, beautiful workdesk. Not sure what the lesson is, but I found it kinda fascinating how curated the output of that search was.