• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Anecdotally, yes it does improve attention in class. I have friends who are teachers here in Australia and they are all massively in favour of the bans after a year of them being in place. The problem with the scoping review quoted in the article is that it conflates several different issues and suggests phone bans in schools are supposed to be a silver bullet for all of them. You are never going to solve the mental health and bullying problems with a phone ban that only lasts half of the day, five days a week. Those problems require much broader policy and greater responsibility from parents. Another problem is that research into the effect of smartphones on schooling (which does actually suggest improvements) generally focuses on test or exam results, which are not a reliable indicator of whether students are actually learning or gaining anything from the experience of school.

  • The title is not mine and the paper the article is responding to was published last month, not two years ago as you claim. The only mention of Musk in the entire article is in this one sentence:

    Unlike self-serving warnings from Open AI CEO Sam Altman or Elon Musk about the “existential risk” artificial general intelligence poses to humanity, Google’s research focuses on real harm that generative AI is currently causing and could get worse in the future.

  • Why are you defending Privacy Tools so hard here? Literally anyone can look at the website and see within seconds that it is absolutely loaded with ads and affiliate links. The owner sold out years ago, the privacy community moved on and now he’s mad that he can’t AFK farm money from his shit website. He has absolutely zero credibility and writes stuff like “fuck fame, fuck money, fuck dishonesty” in that post when he himself literally used the fame of his website to make money by dishonestly recommending sponsored shit on it. It is absolutely bizarre to me that you hold this person up as some kind of moral authority and believe everything he says.

  • I don’t like people who exempt themselves from the rules they preach

    Techlore isn’t about preaching rules or activism, though. Their aim is to provide balanced and nuanced information for people with lower threat models. Often that means that the products or services they discuss or recommend to certain viewers are nowhere near the most private or ethical overall; they’re just the ones that have the right balance of privacy and convenience for that person.

    This is all made even more irrelevant by the fact that they actually did close their Discord earlier this year, now that their official forums are in a better state for real-time communication.

  • Interesting article. The results of the author’s research is consistent with my understanding of the social media landscape in countries like the Philippines, which I believe are extremely toxic and partisan. However, I’m not sure the additional studies linked support the argument that social media does not increase polarisation. I’ve only read the abstracts of each so it’s quite possible I’m overlooking something, but they immediately seem flawed due to their reliance on consenting participants. I would have thought that anyone who agrees to take part in such a study is clearly an outlier within society and therefore not a reliable test subject. Polarisation via algorithm relies on people being unwittingly exposed to content; if they’re switched on enough to deactivate their social media accounts or disable re-shares as part of a study into political polarisation, they are clearly not representative of society at large.