
  • 5 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 20th, 2023


  • so in my traefik.yml file I have cloudflare set as my certresolver as follows:

          email: email@example.com
          storage: acme.json
          caServer: https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory # prod (default)
          # caServer: https://acme-staging-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory # staging
            provider: cloudflare
            #disablePropagationCheck: true # uncomment this if you have issues pulling certificates through cloudflare, By setting this flag to true disables the need to wait for the propagation of the TXT record to all aut>
            #delayBeforeCheck: 60s # uncomment along with disablePropagationCheck if needed to ensure the TXT record is ready before verification is attempted 
              - ""
              - ""

    And I had to get the secret mounted via the docker-compose file.

    So where you have:


            certResolver: examplecom-dns

    Do I have to redefine all of the same information I did in my Traefik yml but in this separate config.yml?

    (I did set it up in my traefik.yml and docker-compose.yml to mount and use this config, which I had commented out for later use.

    Thank you so much for the help!


    Essentially I am trying to get my PiHole which is hosted on another pi setup with an SSL cert for local use only:

    So in looking at your config I tried using:

          - https
          service: pihole-rtr
          rule: "Host(`ph.local.domain.com`)"
            certResolver: cloudflare
              - url: "http://<ip>/admin"

    However when doing this error logs returned:

    2024-07-08T15:04:27-04:00 ERR error="the service \"pihole-rtr@file\" does not exist" entryPointName=https routerName=pihole-rtr@file
    2024-07-08T15:04:28-04:00 ERR error="the service \"pihole-rtr@file\" does not exist" entryPointName=https routerName=pihole-rtr@file

    I am doing something very wrong… And feel a little lost.

  • Would the file provider configs live on the Traefik server, or would they need to be on the external service. Reading through this, and looking at the example configuration files doesn’t really seem to point that out. Sorry for the noob questions.

    Trying to understand this, but the way the documentation is written is different than I am used to.

    Thank you!

  • I may have misspoke, I use an AUR helper to install many programs and utilities, and am not at my computer to view the actual source. So I took a gamble and guessed AUR. My apologies.

    It could have been other instability, as I mentioned in another comment I didn’t really look too deep into it since it wasn’t so important. And by no means am I blaming Thunderbird (regardless of source) for the issues I have had. It truly is a great email client.

    Edit: It is from official source, not AUR. I have the same setup on my personal laptop. It came from Extras, and not AUR.

    May have to investigate a bit. May have to figure out each directory to purge, do a pacman -Rnsu thunderbird

    Then purge directories related, then reinstall.

  • To get Nvidia working on Arch here is what I did:

    During installation of Arch when it asked if I wanted to chroot into my distro I did. However if you enter commandline by hitting CTR+ALT+<F1 or F2 or F3> to change to a virtual console. If you are doing this from a chroot environment you don’t need sudo.

    edit the mkinitcpio.conf

    sudo nano /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

    In the MODULES=() section I added “nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm” without quotes. So it looked like this:

    MODULES=(nvidia nvidia_modeset nvidia_uvm nvidia_drm)

    Afterwards I updated my initramfs images by running:

    sudo mkinitcpio -P

    Then I edited my grub config:

    sudo nano /etc/default/grub

    Find the line that says “GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=”“”


    Then I updated grub

    sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg

    Note: I use the Nvidia Proprietary drivers

    Resources: Arch Wiki

    I do not recommend Manjaro especially if you are going to be using the AUR (Arch User Repository) as it can cause things to break.

  • I ran into an issue where I changed nothing, and all of a sudden none of my SSL certs worked on top of most of the hosts were not working through the reverse proxy. I had not even changed ip addresses on any of them. I am not sure what was going on.

    It was more of a “I didn’t want to troubleshoot” and gave up, so I shut down my servers.