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  • 16 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I’m receptive to that. I’m the definition of a layperson, having read one “popular” book on the subject so I only have vague general notions a layer or so deeper than a completely naive person. In any case the main things I feel strongly about are paying teachers more (and paying very well qualified ones very well), giving them the leeway to dictate what they teach and how, and treating students as if they were innocent civilians deserving of respect and support, rather than… How we treat them now.

  • We should just nationalize the schools and their funding, ridding us of thousands of inefficient and expensive local and regional administrations, pay the most highly qualified teachers a higher salary, give teachers the freedom to craft and administer their own curricula, and give students more freedom in their spare time and at school.

    Don’t worry, radical change is not even on the table with this or any viable administration. I’m just saying how things ought to be.

  • I’m not going to argue with you - living as we are car-free now in a walkable city it’s unthinkable for me. But when I was in America, with a car and a baby, it made perfect sense. There were fewer viable third spaces (aside from parks, which is harder for an infant on a rainy day), and just about every viable third space (where we were) was built around car infrastructure.

    All that to say you’re not quite wrong, but there’s nuance and the solutions are necessarily political.