• 13 Posts
Joined 2 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月25日

  • And the synthesizers in the eighties were nothing like moogs

    Irrelevant I guess. I was casually reliving a memory from when I was a child, but there’s always got to be a pedant to further solidify my general withdrawal from society because I’m clearly not satisfactorily intelligent enough for it.

  • I believe I was in sixth grade when that album came out.

    First of all, it used a whole lot of synthesizers, which were pretty new technology at the time, and I felt like I was living in the future when I heard it.

    As to the album cover, it somehow didn’t register with my that it was a baby smoking.

    Rather, it made me think of teenagers smoking in the high school bathroom.

    Motley Crue’s Smokin in the Boys Room came out a year later, so I don’t think that influenced my mental image.

  • Mostly yes.

    You get people selling off companies or several depreciated rental properties, and they get hit with the tax and can’t get out of it.

    There are some circumstances that they can manipulate though. When the stock market crashed in 2008, people sold off at enormous realized losses, sat on the cash for thirty days to avoid the wash rule, and bought right back in at the same low prices.

    That created years worth of carried over losses that enabled them to recognize capital gains at zero tax.

    It’s a reasonably common strategy called loss harvesting.

    Certain flavors of stock options appear to be tax free at time of sale, but this is because the initial grant was deemed W-2 wages and was taxed when it was issued at ordinary income rates.

  • What are the chances that I, a not particularly tech savvy person, go to download mint and end up bricking my computer?

    Honestly, my computer is an absolute bottom of the barrel $200 Dell laptop right now, so it wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but I’d hate to fuck it up, get a better computer, and fuck that up too.

  • I actually miss the old Mexican brick weed from thirty years ago. It could give you a headache, but otherwise, the high it produced of everything being hilarious doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Modern weed pretty much makes me instantly catatonic.

    Further, I don’t know if it’s age, but a single bong rip will send me into violent fits of coughing that frequently render me running outside to puke.

    I’ve stopped smoking entirely in favor of edibles due to the coughing thing. The edibles still knock me the hell out. I don’t know how the younger set wakes and bakes and carries on with their day with the modern stuff.

  • A very long time ago, and much less technologically advanced:

    I went to boarding school. We had a little bit of a propensity for sneaking out of the dorm at night.

    New dean comes in our senior year and installs alarms on all the exits.

    Our senior year time capsule contains the controlling keypad to that alarm system that wasn’t even functional for twenty four hours.

    I’ve no doubt that today’s teens possess the ingenuity to bypass if not completely disable this thing.