EndMilkInCrisps [he/him]

  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2022


  • I have read the Bhagavad Gita and the Ramayana. I haven’t really studied them though as I am mostly into Shaivism. I have read some stories from the Mahabharata but not the whole thing, it’s huge. I love the Gita and it’s message of performing ones duty or dharma and letting the consequences happen and accepting them good and bad. I love the idea of God it invokes as being the highest form but also omnipresent in everything.

    I love the Ramanyana for similar reasons. It’s all about performing dharma ones duty no matter how hard it gets. I love the story of Rama and Sita’s love and their devotion to each other even when separated. I love Lakshmanas role as faithful brother and how he stood by Rama’s side the whole time. It’s also just a really fun story.

    Those are the messages I get out of those kind of stories. They are pretty simple readings of the texts and I’m sure people who study them get much more out of them. I can also see how do your duty as a message can be very easily manipulated to keep people in their place. I have a radical view on what ones duty is as a leftist many people do not.

  • I’m a Hindu. I’m a white British convert. I am more interested in the tantric esoteric side of Hinduism than the everyday worship that is mostly cultural. I find the practises of meditation, yoga and contemplation of the universe through the lense of gods and their myths very helpful to my mental well being. I also love reading about the hijra, their history and role in society today and their current fight for recognition and how the gods have a very fluid idea of gender.

    Myths are not to be taken literally in my mind. I love Hanuman as a symbol of devotion, strength, chastity and innocence. I think the myths were written in a certain time, place and culture and they reflect that but they also contain spiritual truths about faith, over coming adversity, the nature of the universe and other stuff as well.

    There is definitely some dodgy stuff in Hindu scriptures that can be used to justify stuff that is wrong like the caste system and misogyny but like any religion what parts are actually believed and practised is entirely cultural. It has and will change over time given the material conditions. Which you can see looking at the history of the religion and the changes that have occurred from the vedic period to now.

    I do also study some Buddhism as Buddha is seen as an avatar of Vishnu in some sects of Hinduism and I think his teachings have a lot to offer and his myth of a prince rejecting wealth and status because of the suffering he saw in others and going on a journey to try and liberate people from that suffering is part of Hinduism too and since he was the latest avatar probably the most important one to follow as example for our current age.

    Hinduisms is huge and there’s plenty of good in it if you look.