This fairy tale of Russia being flat broke and out of weapons
Uh hu and where did I make that claim? Straw man much? :]
Edit: looks like a well equiped force tho lmao
This fairy tale of Russia being flat broke and out of weapons
Uh hu and where did I make that claim? Straw man much? :]
Edit: looks like a well equiped force tho lmao
Russia has nukes.
At this point their nukes are likely in the same sorry state as their dictator: old, frail, failing
I was wondering why this had so many downvotes until I noticed the instance this is on.
Baldurs Gate 1+2 in BG3 engine when?
Germans are waking up to that as well at the moment.
You forgot to add “Wake up sheeple!!!”
Digital, as in utterly useless, unlike an analog clock that is right twice a day, as you said.
Siding with alt right trash like Joe Roegan to own the libs vegans 😎
As for the diet stuff, what, are they using lab-grown meat?
No, the food is plant based and has all the essential nutrients, either inherently or added (like synthetic Taurin for example).
Edit: People who downvote this are disagreeing with objective reality. Anti-Vegans are way more obnoxious than any vegan I ever met. Weird people.
Yep, tasted pretty much every type of kibble and some snacks my dog gets. But it’s all plant based so I am not worried about meat getting bad or the like.
Some of the snacks are ok but I noticed that they always smell way more intensive than they taste. Kind of the opposite of human food.
Enderal is fantastic. If you don’t speak german I would still recommend it. If you do speak german then you have to play it. Yes, this is a gun. Now sit down and install the game!
You continue to be antagonistic. I don’t think I want to waste my time here.
Link dropping is also not arguing.
That’s not how it works. You said:
C is crap for anything where security matters.
Argue for your point.
What debate? You offered zero arguments and “C bad tho” isn’t one.
The real interesting thing is that just ~14 months ago this wasn’t the case. Anti-Vegans and a shift to more right wing “opinions” sadly go hand in hand.
Everyone knowing they could live healthily vegan but don’t: <chuckle> I am in danger.
Worst amusement park ever