I feel immensely awful for this guy
I feel immensely awful for this guy
Same, non-cis white guy but I usually pick the not-me main character when given a choice. In Pokemon I’m a chick, in Stardew valley I’m a black chick, in Orcs Must Die 2 I’m the sorceress.
What kind of egotistical fuck chooses the “me” character every time
I wonder if they built some structure on top of the stone to make getting up and down easier or what?
Is there a reason the stairs are so steep?
Tbh I’d agree really. It’s the way they treat the queers that makes the cis folk burn cars
So he’s right.
The Russian speaking shit is so silly. half the world speaks English or Spanish or Hindi or Mandarin
Those countries now have claim on anyone who speaks the language?
This is how you know ruski culture is so backwards they’re like a century behind still
their content will suck too
It’s actually XYZ
X is the American fascists
Z are the Russian fascists
Y is what you keep asking
Donate to wikipedia.
you think that but look up his signature it’s obviously done by a machine like most fuckin people these days
It’s because they’re convinced, through their own experience, there isn’t enough money to go around so we have to make more instead of use what we have wisely.
Aka send a plumber to the billionaires
yes. body this fuckin post.
Besides you don’t wanna buy it at release
Haven’t any of these people learned?
oof good answer
Comments filled with propaganda bots defending a well known horrible regime
Dislike the guy but as Saddam Hussein said basically - if my neighbors have swords, why can’t I have swords?
Nuclear powers are assholes these days, wish we could arm everyone and just embrace nuclear destruction personally
To be honest I don’t think he will for a simple reason.
Trump wants power, getting in a war with a powerful opponent won’t make him powerful. Ruining relationships, buddying up to Putin and telling people he will beat them up will give him power.
He’s a bully.
actually crying laughing after reading this
Not true at all.
There’s a ton of reasons you can argue to how we got here, unfortunate economic uncertainties that were unseen, religious zealotry and bigotry, wealth disparity sure.
But to see slavery end, get voting rights applied to the population that deserves it, create a system that provides any degree of food and healthcare and shelter when none existed before and you’re going to continue to argue that there’s only a duopoly? They’re not doing a very good job then.
The duopoly doesn’t exist without poor voter turnout. The poor turnout is a totally different reason.
what did Rodney Mullen do