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Joined 11 days ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2024

  • Dem voters aren’t there yet…but right now this shit won’t work on Dem voters.

    Lol, it’s working perfectly well already, in case you haven’t been paying attention, those still blindly loyal to Biden, as well as the “blue no matter who” crowd are proving you wrong every day.

    The thing is, republicans have been conditioned to accept

    Until people like you confront the fact that we have ALL been conditioned to accept this farce, and that those on both teams serve the same people (billionaires) and use the same tactics (empty promises, flat out lies, gaslighting, manipulating, even love bombing) they just appeal to different sensibilities so your bias tells you the one that appeals to you isn’t that bad actually, we will never break free from this circus.

  • You said

    I’m not really sure what difference it makes what type of facility she’s put into. My understanding is that you don’t get to interact with anybody in solitary, regardless of gender.

    You also said

    I might not be understanding something

    But no mention of timeline. 🤔

    Though even if you had mentioned the timeline, the quote I pasted from the top of the article is pretty clear about that.

    But no, you were clearly “misunderstanding” why it matters if she’s in male-prison solitary or female-prison solitary, while deliberately ignoring the key fact that she shouldn’t be in solitary in the first place. Or you simply just didn’t read the article.

    Either way, putting your hand up to say “my bad” isn’t hard to do, and it makes you look a lot less like you’re here in bad faith than doubling down like you are now does.

  • Maybe actually read the article? This is right at the top:

    When Kim realized she was being removed, she asked to speak with her lawyer and see paperwork authorizing the transfer, which was denied. Kim then refused to walk as commanded, at which point she was allegedly thrown to the ground by guards, who tied her ankles and wrists together and put her in the back of an SUV, she said. At Monroe Correctional Complex, Kim was put into solitary confinement, for allegedly “refusing transfer.”

    She wouldn’t be in solitary confinement if they hadn’t moved her.

  • the RealPage algorithm

    Which was programmed by humans, with biases and vested interests based in and fuelled by capitalism and the rest of the kyriarchy

    I don’t see any value in saying that human behavior is the problem but then specifically carving out an exception for the automated agents we create to amplify specific behaviors.

    Human behaviours. Machines don’t have their own behaviours, only those humans have programmed them to have, again, with those same biases and vested interests based in and fuelled by capitalism and the rest of the kyriarchy

    When RedBubble ganks art and sells it on t-shirts, how is that different from when Stability ganks art and sells it at a text prompt?

    It isn’t, both are automated systems designed by humans, you guessed it - with those same biases and vested interests based in and fuelled by capitalism and the rest of the kyriarchy

    Convincing the working class that tools the system creates are free of the system’s agenda may be an even greater achievement.

    And only picking examples of ways in which technology is used that are explicitly for profit is cherry picking and twisting reality. The existence of things like FOSS and other ways in which people share technology or otherwise use it to improve society without any profit motive proves you wrong.

    AI isn’t intrinsically capitalist, just like computers aren’t, nor were steam engines or power looms. Capitalism convincing you that its way is the only way to use tools doesn’t mean that’s the reality, it only means the propaganda is working.

  • I’m really glad you’ve found the information helpful, this kind of consideration and inclusion can only make a community stronger.

    Just one more point I think I should have included: not all disabilities are visible - from autism to PoTS to chronic pain to mental illness, some people might look perfectly abled but actually face many barriers and challenges, so remember to include them too (and again, not that you would, but in general - don’t doubt or question someone’s disability, like questioning why someone who doesn’t “look disabled” parks in a disabled bay or uses the disabled toilets or can’t stand in a queue but needs to sit even if they look young and fit. Not being visible doesn’t mean whatever it is isn’t having a massive impact).

    Anyway, I’ve rambled on enough, and you clearly get it, so I’ll end on a - solidarity, comrade!

  • Yeah, yeah, “not all”, only enough to make sure there isn’t even a hint of socialist influence left in the party. Also, he doesn’t have to personally have removed someone from the party, for his actions and the actions of those who would fall in line with his establishment backed agenda to affect members of the party being sabotaged out of the party or leaving because they were made to feel unwelcome. The few that are left are relegated to the back benches and left with no real power to speak of.

    In this thread there is already evidence of his dirty, unethical, and down right bigoted tactics, you not being comfortable enough to confront it doesn’t change the reality - Labour under Starmer is a neoliberal party that is serving capitalists and the establishment, and doesn’t have a hint of socialism nor solidarity or concern for the working class left in it (because when it does prop up as enough of a threat to the status quo, the threat is removed by whatever means necessary, it’s not like he has to go far when he’s deliberately stacked the party with other bootlickers who easily tighten ranks against anyone they no longer want around).