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Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • Meh. Sure, she’s gonna be able to leverage some of that stuff into a paycheck, but she squandered the influence of more powerful Republicans and generally acted like a spoiled child. Even MTG has more focus on the evil shit conservatives are doing and that’s saying something.

    Boebert isn’t going to get near as many speaking invites and won’t be able to charge anywhere near what other ejected Republicans can. Fucking Mike Flynn and the pillow man can charge more than boobert

    I’m pretty sure her TV appearances are mostly going to be Newsmax and OAN.

    And honestly, the only reason that CO repububs are being this open about ditching her is because everyone already knows her reelection bid is dead in the water. Dem Adam Frich lost by less than a thousand votes in the midterms and all projections anticipate him handily trouncing her in the next general. Its not because they actually care about her giving handies during Beetlejuice.

  • Only if you sincerely think that punching down at overweight Americans eating Debbie Cakes is an accurate criticism of anything worthwhile.

    Try listening to Sturgil Simpson Turtles all the Way Down instead. Or Holy Shit by Father John Misty.

    Or if you just want to listen to newer bluegrass and country/western that isn’t astroturfed by wealthy capitalists or white nationalist influencers, you can check out Tyler Childers - the entire album Ballad of Janita and the Dood is a masterpiece. Michael Davies is also an incredible musician and vocalist that “Oliver Anthony” could never be.

  • This is the correct perspective. As it turns out, a huge amount of people that believe Bill Gates is injecting 5G chips into people absolutely don’t vote. If you recall, the first amendment nuts in the loser convoys and a bunch of the J6 defendants weren’t even registered to vote and yet they screeched election interference. For an election they didn’t even bother to vote in.

    2020 was one of the highest blue voter turnouts in national history making record first time voters in their 30s and 40s.

    So yes, it should be pointed out that everyday people turning out to vote against this brain rot is just as important whether or not magats and human vegetables are voting too.

  • In my observation it has been industry and sector dependent.

    Corporate tech and finance are calling for remote work to end. Most of the articles I see where going back to the office is touted are all “silicon valley” type companies and finance/investment firms writing opinion peices.

    PR, marketing, and news media, comms fields - which I am in - are doing the opposite. I work in digital media with government clients and my office just had a building contractor come in and walled off 2/3 of our empty cube space that was full pre-pandemic but is now vacant because all those employees remained remote. The positions in that area of the office were mostly copy editors, graphic design, and technical writers. The building owner turned that area into a new office but hasn’t rented it to anyone new yet.

    Many of my colleagues are active duty military and government civilians. They all telework as much as 3-4 days a week currently. All of their jobs are administrative in nature and almost all of the military people are officers.

    It is important to note that the military has loosely instructed liberal telework at unit level discretion because of record low retention rates. I’ve been working in/for government for a long time and even before 2020, federal contractors and DoD civilians have usually had telework of some kind provided what they did was something that could be taken home.

    When I worked in DC in the mid-00s it was common to see offices engage rotating flex schedules because of the insane traffic and hours long commutes in the DMV corridor.

    But, I suppose it’s all anecdotal. Where you live and what you do for work are going to impact reality more than anything. Watching the MSM speculate and reading nonsense opinion articles in the Atlantic or Times aren’t going to give you any real information.

    All I can say for sure is my office has fully remote and hybrid only. We are guaranteed two days WFH a week but all salaried employees have optional flex schedules and can work non-concurrent hours as long as deadlines are being met. But again, I work for a massive international fed contractor that does largely administrative and PR consulting. So all things that have a history of WFH schedules already.

  • I don’t think this article is really “pro reddit” tbh. The headline says Reddit won, but the copy adds context to that. Reddit was always going to outlast the protests. I can’t imagine anyone was delusional enough to think otherwise. But like the article says, Huffman lost most of the other gambles in terms of post quality, public opinion, and there’s still 1800+ subs of varying sizes dark.

    Short term ad traffic is the win he needs on paper, but the press hasn’t been favorable overall and user engagement is high if you consider edgy teenagers making the front page with nonsense because all the decent mods have quit as consistent engagement.

  • Same. And I don’t like to admit it, but I was a “power user”. When Bacon Reader went dark, I never went back. Like others have pointed out, Reddit was always going to “win” the protest, even with over 1800 subs still out. But the platform’s frontpage quality is in the tank. Google doesn’t want to list Reddit at the top of search results anymore. The corporate failure to retain money making accounts made national news. Huffman completely missed the investment boat, and although the site itself is still generating traffic, the raised interest rates and lack of ROI for the unpopular changes spells out nothing but a slow death rattle.

    And, lmao, anyone that publicly announces they’re following the “Musk Model” for social media platform leadership is clearly a fucking dipshit doomed to drive their site into the ground.

  • Dumping Twitter, to start. We’ve been able to finally get our client to try some new things using IG reels and YT shorts. We’ve also been able to grab their ear about Reddit, Lemmy, and Mastodon. While they’re not fully onboard yet with federated platforms, they’re interested, which is a huge step. We’ve also been pitching more proactive content and getting more support on strategy shifts to have a more conversational back-and-forth with the client’s audience. They used to prefer to get people off open comments and into private DMs. We have been pushing them to be more transparent and human with their direct engagement.

  • I’d argue the opposite. People have been fed up with the mainstream platforms for a long time now. Now that we know how social media grew grassroots terrorism and that the platforms allowed it for ad clicks, I’d say it’s a good time to pivot away from the traditional models of the last 15-20 years, move away from the Facebooks and Twitters, and try something new.

    Professionally, I lead a team of digital artists and oversee digital marketing efforts for a government client. The chaos and burning out of Twitter and Reddit has been a great time for my team as we’ve finally been given the latitude to do new work and build new strategies instead of just doing the same bullshit over and over. I’ve started enjoying work again and my team has been energized because everyday there’s something new to overcome. And because the social media ecosystem is so turbulent, it’s actually removing the pressure from us because our client understands that we are operating in new territory. Essentially, we are being allowed to fail in the pursuit of innovation.

    I’m pumped to be a part of this evolving shift. There’s so much potential. Also, I’m selfishly enjoying watching these fucking assholes like Musk flail and burn through billions of dollars as a result of their hubris.

  • Talentless hack Jason Aldean released a song titled “Try That in a Small Town” with an accompanying music video. It’s loaded with racist dog whistles with nods to lynching; which is what got the video pulled off CMT.

    It’s basically just a poorly arranged tirade insinuating that small, white, christian towns are safe while black, lefty, cities are dangerous. The imagery in the video strongly suggests that all of the riots, dissent, protests, and problems in the US are everyone else’s fault except God-fearing white people. Typical fascist shit, blame LGBTQ people, black people, migrants, atheists, literally anyone else in order to avoid responsibility and justify killing/jailing - LYNCHING - those they seem to be causing all their woes.

    Now, I am originally from a one red light town in the South and can personally vouch for the fact that these “small towns” are pits of rape and misogyny fueled by the same old Catholic concept of illiterate congregation lead by an evil fuckface telling them what they should believe and do. Just because many of these ignorant dipshits are Baptists or some other pointless protestant denomination doesn’t change that the playbook is always the same. I mean this, I graduated high school in 2008 with people who literally couldn’t read, if you needed any reassurance that the plummetting literacy rate in the US was accurate.

    I’ll finish off my soapbox here with this. I love country music. But like all other genres, there’s what’s on the radio, and there’s everything else. I’m not gonna sit here on a pedestal and say that I never get a pop-country tune stuck in my head. A lot of them are fine; pandering and rehashed same old lyrics and chords, but they’re catchy for a reason. This Jason Aldean song isn’t even that. It’s poorly written and the music is objectively not good. It’s just loud. That’s it. It’s just talentless noise. One thing that has made me happy as a country music fan, is that the country community has largely come out against the song and it’s message. If you happen to read more about this, you’ll see plenty of country artists slamming it for being garbage. You’ll also see that most of the “celebrities and influencers” standing up for Aldean are MAGA republican politicians and washed up performers who can’t get work anywhere because of their shit ass opinions.


  • Exactly. LinkedIn jobs is incredibly useful. I have also found it useful for helping friends and colleagues find new jobs or make career switches because of the connections I have. I only maintain work connections through LinkedIn as I don’t use Facebook, Instagram, etc.

    Absolutely, ignore the post feed. It’s just capitalist boot fucking. A bunch of fucking losers with made up bullshit in their titles trying to be leadership influencers.

    I sincerely vouch for the jobs function, though.