Coca_Cola_but_Commie [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2020


  • Hey, Siri, what is Harlan Ellison’s “I have No Mouth and I Must Scream” about?

    The goal, the researchers say, is to come up with a test to determine if a given AI is sentient or not. In other words, does it have the ability to experience sensations and emotions, including pain and pleasure?

    I’m not a fancy computer scientist and I’ve never read philosophy in my life but surely if an LLM could become sentient it would be quite different from this? Pain and pleasure are evolved biological phenomena. Why would a non-biological sentient lifeform experience them? It seems to me the only meaningful measure of sentience would be something like “does this thing desire to grow and change and reproduce, outside of whatever parameters it was originally created with.”

  • Started watching the show Silo on AppleTV a couple weeks ago, maybe 3/4ths of the way through season one now. On the whole a really well-made show, maybe a few pacing issues or the occasionally poorly constructed/lit/shot set that keeps it from being at the same level as the best prestige TV of the last 25 years. But for a sci-fi production that must require a fair bit of CGI or The Volume or just expensive sets it’s one of the best I’ve seen. But then there’s Common, who plays the main antagonist in the episodes I’ve watched, and who’s operating at a level far below the rest of his castmates. Every scene he’s in just drags down the quality of the show around him.

    It’s like Common was cast in the CW or old SfyFy channel schlock version of this production that would’ve existed twenty years ago, but everyone else is in Apple’s post-GOT post-Westworld “we have to compete with The Boys and Rings of Power and Dune and The Last of Us” show.