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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 30th, 2023


  • Hell, does anyone perfectly explain everything to each other all the time in the real world?

    No, so this argument fails there too.

    In the story we just don’t know why things aren’t disuccessed “perfectly”. Like why does Hermione not explain to Ron that she likes him, instead she has a fight with him. Wasn’t that an issue for OP? (It wasn’t for me, because I understand emotions challenge us to communicate well, and I’m an old fart without the hormones of a teen).

    Kids world and adult world are separate. Kids very often don’t want adult involvement in their world - they see it as an intrusion. There’s also a general distrust of adults: “you just don’t understand”, or “things are different now than when you were my age” are the refrains we hear every generation. Again, I’m old enough to have seen this several times.

    And the adults are busy with their own responsibilities, so won’t always catch on to what’s happening in the kid’s world.

    Most importantly, the adults have to allow kids room to figure things out on their own, to struggle with difficulties. Always being there means the kids never learn to solve problems themselves, to build their own relationships, to figure out how to identify good people, etc.

    Also, people are human, warts and all, communication is hard.

    As a kid, getting explanations for things out of adults felt nearly impossible. I’m sure part of that was my phrasing as a kid, I just didn’t know how to formulate a good question, plus adults surely thought I was often a smart ass or just asking dumb questions with obvious answers.

  • Thanks for finding which paper it was… I have a copy but didn’t feel like finding it and finding the right paper. Call me lazy 🤷‍♂️

    And in the end, they codified what they saw as a natural, inborn, individual right. That wasn’t by accident - Jefferson was very intentional in the words he chose (and they argued over, properly). Knowing the language had to be clear and concise, this is what resulted. It’s pretty clear if you’ve read anything from 1600 onward.

    Some of how the writing of the time (and place, Britain) flows is, I suspect, partly an influence of French language that some also knew - “twenty and four years” is clear French construction, not English at all. Keeping in mind that before Shakespeare, the “English language” such as it was, was considered beneath “proper” Brits. Shakespeare marks the beginning of that change, so the French language influence carried on for a long time among the upper classes as a distinction.

    It’s pretty interesting to see this same kind of complex construction (from our perspective) in period writings, but also in many science papers today, where complex ideas are strung together in paragraph-long sentences in an attempt to capture the detail and nuance. Medical journals are particularly guilty of this.

  • From what I’ve read, that doesn’t really work - you’d need the encryption key, not the pin/password, because of how the encryption platform works.

    Again, it’s been a while, and this isn’t my field. I just remember being properly surprised at how little I understood - that the pin/password are merely keys to accessing the encryption key, and it’s all tied together in validating during hoot. Like you can’t image the system and drop it in another phone if it’s been encrypted, even if you have the pin - the encryption system on the different hardware would calculate things incorrectly (I did this once, dropped an encrypted image on a duplicate phone. That was fun trying to figure out why it wouldn’t work).

    There’s more to the puzzle that’s frankly above my pay grade, but last time I read about how to get into an encrypted phone, (even boot unlocked) required the expertise and tools of certain types of folks. Not your average “haxxor”.

    Granted, that expertise and those tools are getting closer to us every day…

  • It requires a flashed rom with a valid (key signature? Crap, forget what it’s called).

    If you flash an unsigned kernel and try to boot lock, it’ll brick.

    I get from an absolute security perspective why this is deemed important, I just feel there’s a bit too much focus on it, as if an unlocked bootloader is really that insecure. It would still take tremendous effort to get the encryption key for storage, so it’s pretty effectively secure still.