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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I taught English in Japan (JET) for one year, and at the end I said what a lot of people say: I’d love to visit, but I’m never going to work here again.

    The work culture in Japan is fucked. The fact that the amount of time you spend at work, not your actual output, determines how “productive” you are is so fucking stupid. I worked my contract hours and I was seen as lazy. Despite the fact that everything I was asked to do was always done and done well, the fact that I didn’t come in 2 hours early and nap at my desk meant I was lazy. Add onto that the fact that I only got a (generous for Japan) 15 days of nenkyuu (paid days off), which you can’t actually use because what happens if you get sick. Sick leave exists, but does it? Does it really? The one time I tried to use it, I was told “it’d be better for everyone if you didn’t”, and then had to use my nenkyuu anyway.

    And that was me working a pretty privileged position! If I was coming from Vietnam to work in a retirement home, I’m sure the working conditions would be far worse with the threat of deportation looming over my head. Immigration is a band aid at best. As soon as immigrants have the opportunity to move somewhere better, they will of course take that.

    In contrast, I now live in the Netherlands, which shockingly has some of the least generous child benefits in the EU. And yet, we get about 100€/month from the government in support, plus about 50% the cost of childcare paid for. My wife gets 4 months of maternity leave at full pay (I only get 5 days which is super fucked), with up to 3 years at 60% pay with a guarantee of her job being there when she gets back. We each have 25+ days off a year, which are actually used for days off, if the kid gets sick, we can use sick leave to care for it, and sick leave is unlimited. Also, healthcare for children is 100% paid by the government. And with all of that, we’re barely in a position to be able to consider having children.

  • Not me but my partner.

    She was working as a research assistant in a lab for several years. She asked her boss if she could be promoted to a research associate, which was one level above her. She already been doing the job of a researcher (3 levels above her). Her boss said that they were in a hiring freeze and that it wouldn’t be possible, but maybe in 2-3 YEARS she might be up for a promotion. Her boss wanted everyone to get the most they possibly could out of their current position before promotion. What my partner heard was that even if she eventually got the promotion to the next level, it might be 5-7 years after that promotion until the next promotion.

    I’ve never seen her so angry when she came home. She immediately started applying to new jobs in a different field. She also stopped doing work above her pay grade, to which her boss actually tried to retaliate against her. Within 2 months, she moved onto a new job that is 75% WFM, pays more, has a better culture and is in a field where she can much more easily move upward.

    Her former company has started layoffs.

  • My NFL team last year gave up its franchise quarterback, and the subreddit basically only talked about the former QB for the entire preseason, and then still talked about it for half the season. Then it died down. And before the protest, he wasn’t really talked about all that much.

    Reddit is still fresh in people’s minds. It will go away. In the early days of reddit a LOT of people talked about digg, but within a few months it just wasn’t mentioned much anymore.

    A lot of people here spent years on our ex-platform. It’s going to take some time to get that out of our system. In the meantime, enjoy the shadenfreude!

  • surely I can do that without both of them needing to give me permission via federation?

    So there are whitelist only instances (which honestly is what beehaw should be doing), so if you hosted your own instance, you would need to be whitelisted in order to interact with beehaw communities/users. Otherwise, federation is pretty much a default

    Like if I want to set up my own instance and pull posts from lemmy.world and beehaw.org, surely I can do that without both of them needing to give me permission via federation?

    Ok, so this requires some understanding of the ActivityPub protocol, and my understand of this edge case is admittedly a bit fuzzy. You can still access that information, you could do it right now just by going to https://beehaw.org, and if you have some mechanism to pull that data, you could still get that data if you wanted to. But critically, that wouldn’t use ActivityPub.

    With ActivityPub, your instance would send a request to the community on beehaw to follow the community. The beehaw instance would then send updates to your instance, where they would be stored as a copy. Beehaw keeps the “true” version, as the community is hosted on their instance, but you have your own copy. If beehaw defederates you (or is whitelist only and never federates you), then you can’t send that request (rather, you can send the request, but beehaw won’t listen). So beehaw will not send updates via ActivityPub.

  • sorry, I had to do a lot of editing in order to get it to post this morning.

    Including instances that are also defederated.

    Basically, beehaw has decided we can no longer access the “true” version of communities on beehaw. So the versions hosted here on lemmy.world are still visible to lemmy.world users, but that doesn’t update the “true” version, and also doesn’t update other versions hosted on other defederated instances.

    It will be interesting to check beehaw communities hosted on defederated instances in a few days. Because the version on lemmy.world will be very different from the version on sh.itjust.works which will be different still from the “true” version.

  • You obviously got called out for disregarding the rules of other instances

    I obviously didn’t. I like how you just assuming I’m some internet asshole. All I did was write out an explanation for the users of this instance because there was a lot of confusion about what defederation means. Maybe stop being a jerk and making assumptions?

    I never said beehaw wasn’t allowed to do what they’re doing, of course they are. You’re the one making that assumption. I said that this will result in more damage to beehaw than to lemmy.world, and it will do more damage still to lemmy as a whole.

  • There’s a lot of instances that could defederate from. 2 is not a huge number so far.

    They defederated from 300 some instances. And it’s kinda ridiculous to use the number of instances instead of the number of users. They defederated from 2 of the top 4 instances in terms of number of users.

    It’s definitely a temporary, broad axe to cutting an apple type solution to their troll problem

    Two things:

    1. It doesn’t actually address their troll problem, since anyone can create a new instance and post to their communities.

    2. It has the knock on affect of their users not being able to interact with a huge chunk of the wider fediverse

    That second point is the main criticism I have for them. I don’t think they fully understood the consequences of their actions. They’re using an extreme admin-level action for community moderation. That’s now how this was intended to be used.

    Why would anyone stay on an instance that can’t interact with a huge chunk of the fediverse? Only the most passionate beehaw-ers will stay there. Most will likely leave to more accessible pastures.

  • They’re trying to intentionally cultivate a culture over there rather than to moderate over an evolving one, and at the moment its too much work for them with the high volume of users.

    Sure, but the way they went about doing it was the wrong way to do it.

    They’ve effectively locked their users into ONLY accessing their walled garden.

    I think what they wanted to do was block lemmy.world and sh.itjust.works users from posting in their communities, which would be possible with a pretty simple bot. Instead, they’re largely preventing their own users from accessing other communities, which based on their post was not their intention. And because of those effects, it’s likely going to result in their users leaving for instances with more access.