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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2023


  • I don’t trust it as far as I can throw it for things I am uninformed on and I do not think any of these AI models are going to change the world the way people are hoping. However, as a tool for saving time I think they’re great. Prompted properly of topics you are able to audit for accuracy and I’ll let them do all the tasks in the world lol. I’ll admit I felt guilty as fuck as soon as I saw you call me out on it lol but for how spot on you were I had to give you the credit and confirmation you were 100% accurate 🍻

  • 11111one11111@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldso true
    3 days ago

    There is no such thing as too cold. There is only under dressed. At least that’s what the old fucks say. I like me a toasty summer but that doesn’t make it any less true thst its easier to get warm when your cold than it is to get cool when your too hot.

  • Is it different for non premium accounts? Or is it because I use a created playlist? I have 1 playlost I use as a “like” button and just add songs when I listen to a new album or just one that isn’t on the playlist. When I’m listening to music normally, I just put it on shuffle and it plays thru only songs on the play list. The same add to playlist turns to remove from playlist whe it’s on there so I’ll also just add a bunch of albums from a genre and remove songs that really don’t fit my liking. I’ll do that when I want to bulk up the variety.

  • Except their profits need to also cover: Reinvestment in the Business: This includes spending on research and development, upgrading equipment, expanding operations, and improving infrastructure.

    Debt Repayment: Reducing existing debt to strengthen the company’s financial position.

    Dividends: Distributing a portion of profits to shareholders as dividends.

    Share Buybacks: Purchasing the company’s own shares to reduce the number of outstanding shares and increase the value of remaining shares.

    Employee Compensation: Providing bonuses, raises, benefits, and other non-salary incentives to employees.

    Mergers and Acquisitions: Acquiring or merging with other companies to expand market reach and capabilities.

    Savings and Reserves: Setting aside funds for future investments or as a buffer against economic downturns.

    Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Investing in community projects, environmental sustainability, and other social initiatives.

    Marketing and Advertising: Increasing brand awareness and market presence through marketing campaigns.

    Technology Upgrades: Investing in new technologies to enhance efficiency and productivity.

    To name a few.