Yeah. Whoever gave the order to fire these people and those who actuated it (if different) should go to jail. Corporations for whatever batshit reason are constantly treated with kids gloves. They’ll only ever get fined most of the time. Yet, corporations are just groups of individuals. Some individual (or individuals) gave this order. They should be arrested.
This shouldn’t be civil, it should be criminal. If spray painting a statue can get people arrested, so too should illegally firing them (especially in a way like this, which is extremely bad for workers rights as a whole).
Yeah. Whoever gave the order to fire these people and those who actuated it (if different) should go to jail. Corporations for whatever batshit reason are constantly treated with kids gloves. They’ll only ever get fined most of the time. Yet, corporations are just groups of individuals. Some individual (or individuals) gave this order. They should be arrested.
This shouldn’t be civil, it should be criminal. If spray painting a statue can get people arrested, so too should illegally firing them (especially in a way like this, which is extremely bad for workers rights as a whole).
Money and greed.