This AI Watches Millions Of Cars And Tells Cops If You’re Driving Like A Criminal::Artificial intelligence is helping American cops look for “suspicious” patterns of movement using license plate databases.

  • Dr.
    1 year ago

    It doesn’t, though. And I’m willing to bet if we looked at the false positive and false negative rates, this thing would score much worse than chance. Just like a lot of the cancer detecting “AI” nonsense.

    Detecting a car that made 9 trips from NY to MA over 10 months isn’t the same as detecting criminal behavior, it could just as likely be a person commuting to a different work office, or a sales person visiting a regional client or two. This shit is stupid on its face. A frequency counter? Really? We’re calling that “AI” now? I guess at this point, adding “AI” to a product description is like adding “block chain” four years ago, you just do it so you can increase the sale price and trick dumbasses into buying it.