The ability to ‘boost’ your own comments/threads has been used by a very small number of users in a way that seriously degrades conversation on the platform. These users constantly move their own contributions to the top of the conversation without regard to their value. If allowed to continue it will likely become standard for everyone to do the same and the value of the ‘boost’ feature will be lessened.
I can’t see a downside to removing the ability to do so, and it seems like it would be very easy to implement. Though, I am open to discussion on the topic.
Thank you. (And, once again, I apologize if there is a thread about this topic already. I searched, but didn’t see one.)
I don’t upvote/boost my own content on principle. What I’ve started doing instead when I notice it is boost every other top level comment in the thread to restore parity. That’s the only way to make it make sense.