Imagine not only admitting your father was a fascist (is a fascist?) but also being proud of it while demonizing Palestinians.

Also BadEmpanada is back on Twitter!

    11 months ago

    The Lebanese Phalanges Party, a right-wing political party.

    [Pierre] Gemayel [the founder] never denied his desire to replicate the youth organizations of Nazi Germany, and the name was taken from Francisco Franco’s (1892–1975) Falange Española, a fascist political party.

    [In 1982] Bashir Gemayel was elected president of Lebanon, but he was assassinated before he took office. After his assassination, militias loyal to the Lebanese Forces (a collation of right-wing militias under the control of the Phalanges) entered the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps and massacred hundreds of Palestinians (and some Lebanese) civilians.
