So right now if You join the or other instance You are automatically a member of the community with the same name as Your respective instance.

You cannot unsubscribe that community and You also see posts, such as mine, that people create in order to reach out to the whole community of the instance.

This was probably a great feature at the start; allowing all the members to be a part of at least one active and growing community, giving a convenient place to post and read about the instance and lemmy as a whole…but

I am worried that as the Instance will grow into hundreds of thousand of members issues will arise such as:

  • Subscribed feed will be overwhelmed by the
  • Malicious actors will have easy place to create a lot of spam
  • Our beloved admins will have a lot of unnecessary burden resulting from moderating this big and steadily growing community alone

I am still fresh when it comes to lemmy so I might be exaggerating and making unnecessary reasons to panic. The only mechanism that I can think of is closing signups so new people will spread to different servers.

Would You all enlighten me if the issues I’ve raised are even valid? (on a side note I would like to say hi to all members, It has been a great experience to be here so far)

    1 year ago

    There is a problem in that the perceived use for this /c/ is different from intended.

    This Community is intended for posts about the server.
    That means announcements from the team, issues you see etc.

    Many of the posts here are more fit at /c/general.

    The mods should rename, and maybe find a more fitting banner to clear it up. Or make another one for the server, as this one is currently found as a kind of /default.