Hooray, the weekend is here!

Just a couple things to announce:

  1. ⚠️ The icon design contest is ending in 48 HOURS at 10pm Sunday CT! Just a friendly reminder if you procrastinate like I do!
  2. ✅ Version 0.22.0 is out! Nothing major, but:
  • ⛔️ You can now block by long pressing on any community name - including directly on your feed. Give it a try!
  • ✏️ Edit icons are now displayed next to edited posts/comments.

Also I’d like to quickly thank all the sponsors on Github. The funds really do help whether its passing it on to awesome open source dependencies that Voyager uses, or paying for an Apple developer account. 😁

There’s some exciting settings for Voyager customization coming this weekend, so stay tuned!

  • Tick_Dracy@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Good update. I think edit icon should have a different color, to highlight that the post has been edited. I had to look closely to see the difference.

    Also, does this works for edited comments? I haven’t seen any yet. Found out below. There’s a pencil icon. (same issue applies).