Those of us who play D&D in an iteration other than 5e, what do you play and why?

  • b1ab
    211 months ago

    2e. We like the role playing more than rolling dice to simulate a pen and paper MMO.

    1 year ago


    It’s honestly a ton of fun. I like the tactical combat options, I like that everyone has a chance to shine without feeling overshadowed due to other classes, I like the minion system, the cinematic-like skill challenges, some interesting classes, and feats mean a lot.

    I don’t think people realize how much 5e is a streamlined version of 4e with some tweaks. And anyone that says 4e isn’t RP heavy - that’s on your groups. We have entire sessions of roleplay no problem.

  • Basilisk
    11 year ago

    I’m not actively playing, but I’ve got a 4e one-shot ready for the next time my group can’t do the regular game, and I keep threatening them with 3e.

  • Matt Leity
    111 months ago


    I play 3.x (3.0/.5/PF1e. Folks in my group have different preferences and opinions between the 3, but what I run is mostly 3.5)

    We like having a range of options to make characters feel unique.
    We like having the game promote tactical movement and positional advantage.

    To me, these things help form the groundwork for my own encounter design, suspension of disbelief, and worldbuilding.