Whole thing reads like somebody’s high school essay on how non-US countries are actually more racist, but you’re not allowed to cite sources.

Source if you also hate yourself: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racism_in_Cuba

  • CriticalResist8@lemmygrad.ml
    11 months ago

    Impossible to do, as the reason we merged all communities into one was to stop the proliferation of so many similar communities. Reintroducing them now would eventually lead us back to the original situation where we had dozens of SXS communities that are mostly dead.

    As per the rules (decided collectively) no other “Shit X Say” communities can be created by users. The UA takes community actually originally slipped through the merger, and there was another discussion as for what to do with it, and we collectively decided that it could stay because it was about current events. Probably that after the war is over we’ll archive it as well.