While there are many !programming communities across the Fediverse, I was not quite aware of a GPU-specific one.

GPU programming hails from the 1970s ILLIAC IV, leading to Cray computers, Connection Machines, and later… yes… GPUs.

GPU Programming is an alien world with decades of history and alternative algorithms (largely around “parallel” thinking) that normal programmers are fully unaware of.

I created the !gpu_programming@lemmy.world so that this obscure style of programming can be discussed somewhere, including fundamental papers (from the 1980s) that should serve as the basis for new GPU programmers.

With CUDA, OpenCL, and DirectX APIs today, it is easier to do GPU programming than ever. (And SIMD-programming, closely related, is more than possible with Intel’s ispc). A community to ask and talk about this subject should be helpful.

EDIT: !gpu_programming@lemmy.world Does this link work?